In a message dated 3/1/2005 9:32:45 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Can you please quote the section of the OGL where it
says what you are trying to say it says? You can
believe my reading or not, however the OGL supports
what I am saying about Product Identity. Issues of
back cover blurb fonts and the such are nothing but
nigglings to try to prove a point by moving to its
illogical extreme. Definitions of whether or not
Product Identity existing outside of the OGL is
irrelevant, if you are publishing under the OGL that
is the legal definition that you have to use.

There is nothing in the license itself that says
anything about having to declare PI, that is defined
by section 1 of the license.

Look, dismiss my interpretation all that you want. All
that I am doing is basing this only on my reading of
the document at hand. Frankly, as a publisher, I would
rather have a conseervative interpretation that
doesn't bite me on the ass than something that can
open me to potential liability, with the end result of
having to destroy product or open myself to possible

I'm not asking anyone to take my definition of the
OGL, and I don't really care if you don't. However,
you have not created any reasonable doubt to cause me
to have to rethink my interpretations.
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