--- avatar of Darkness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Must have missed it in the mess.
> So what's your product and what are you worried
> about?

I'm not worried about anything. I posted to a thread
on RPG.net where a person was asking about using the
terms "beholder" and "mind flayer" and I said that
they couldn't be used because they were the declared
PI of WotC. It blew out of proportion there because of
someone who doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on the

The conversation then spread here when Darklord
posted, and I followed up to his posting here. I've
been a member of this list for about two years now.

I have designed for d20, the Action! System, and I
have developed my own second generation OGL system
called Open Core. I am also working on a
cross-publisher project with a small group of Fudge publishers.
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