Doug Meerschaert wrote:

woodelf wrote:

Find me anything in the license itself that supports this [the third type of content].

Section #7.     "... in a work containting Open Gaming Content..."

Section #8: "If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content."

Now, there are certain things that have to be OGC, possibly including all game rules in your product. But the license makes a lot more sense when you realize that non-game rule content doesn't have to be PI or OGC.

Neither of those clauses in any way necessitates, or even implies, non-OGC, non-PI content. Why refer to a "work containing OGC"? Because it also has PI, and both "parts" are covered by that clause. Likewise for the necessity to indicate OGC--just because, if a work only contains OGC and PI, it would be slightly redundant to identify both of those, doesn't mean that there is some 3rd bit. And, again, if the work that the license refers to is allowed to be a subset of the physical work, that, too, would explain the necessity of identifying both OGC and PI, without necessarily allowing the license to *cover* non-OGC non-PI content.

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