All outstanding issues have been addressed, except the "'clean'
target" one mentioned by Seth. I haven't been able to commit since my
login no longer seems to work, so I'll just attach these, for now.
(I have emailed James about the login, but thought that might take
some time to work out.)

Attachment: SConscript
Description: Binary data

Attachment: SConstruct
Description: Binary data

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import platform
import re
import fnmatch
import sys

include_re = re.compile(r'^#include\s+"(\S+)"$', re.M)

standard_bi = ['', '', 'crt/',
               '', '']

def basfile_scan(node, env, path):
    contents = node.get_text_contents()
    tmp = include_re.findall(contents)
    if tmp:
        for v in standard_bi:
            while v in tmp:
                tmp.remove (v)
            for v2 in list (tmp):
                if 'SDL' in v2:
                    tmp.remove (v2)
    return tmp

def verprint (used_gfx, used_music, svn, git, fbc):
    # generate cver.txt, gver.txt (gver is just a cver with removed bits)
    # generate iver.txt (Install-info)
    # generate distver.bat (?)
    def openw (filename):
        return open (os.path.join (filename), 'wb')
    import datetime
    results = []
    supported_gfx = []
    f = open ('../codename.txt','rb')
    codename = f.readline().rstrip()
    # now automagically determine branch and svn
    def missing (name, message):
        tmp ="%r executable not found. It may not be in the PATH, or simply not installed." % name
        tmp += '\n' + message
        print tmp
    def query_svn (*command):
        from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
        import re
        date_rex = re.compile ('Last Changed Date: ([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)')
        rev_rex = re.compile ('Last Changed Rev: ([0-9]+)')
        date = ('%Y%m%d')
        rev = 0
        output = None
            f = Popen (command, stdout = PIPE, stderr = PIPE)
            output =
        except WindowsError:
            missing (command[0], 'version output may be wrong as a result.')
            output = ''
        except OSError:
            missing (command[0], 'version output may be wrong as a result.')
            output = ''
        if (output):
            date = (output).expand ('\\1\\2\\3')
        if (output):
            rev = int ( (output).expand ('\\1'))
        return date, rev
    def query_fb ():
        from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
        import re
        rex = re.compile ('FreeBASIC Compiler - Version (([0-9a-f.]+) ([0-9()-]+))')
            f = Popen ([fbc,'-version'], stdout = PIPE)
        except WindowsError:
            missing (fbc,'FBC is necessary to compile. Halting compilation.')
            sys.exit (0)
        except OSError:
            missing (fbc,'FBC is necessary to compile. Halting compilation.')
            sys.exit (0)

        output =
        if (output):
            return (output).expand ('\\1')
        return '??.??.? (????-??-??)'
    name = 'OHRRPGCE'
    date, rev = query_svn (svn,'info')
    if rev == 0:
        date, rev = query_svn (git,'svn','info')
    fbver = query_fb ()
    for g in used_gfx:
        if g.upper() in ('SDL','FB','ALLEG','DIRECTX','SDLPP'):
            results.append ('#DEFINE GFX_%s_BACKEND' % g.upper())
            supported_gfx.append (g)
    for m in used_music:
        if m.upper() in ('NATIVE','SDL','NATIVE2'):
            results.append ('#DEFINE MUSIC_%s_BACKEND' % m.upper())
            results.append ('#DEFINE MUSIC_BACKEND "%s"' % m)
    results.append ('#DEFINE SUPPORTED_GFX "%s "' % ' '.join (supported_gfx))
    tmp = ['gfx_choices(%d) = @%s_stuff' % (i, v) for i, v in enumerate (supported_gfx)]
    results.append ("#define GFX_CHOICES_INIT  " +\
      " :  ".join (['redim gfx_choices(%d)' % (len(supported_gfx) - 1)] + tmp))

    gfx_code = 'gfx_' + "+".join (supported_gfx)
    music_code = 'music_' + "+".join (used_music)
    data = {'name' : name, 'codename': codename, 'date': date,
            'rev' : rev, 'fbver': fbver, 'music': music_code,
            'gfx' : gfx_code}

    results.extend ([
        'CONST version as string = "%(name)s %(codename)s %(date)s"' % data,
        'CONST version_code as string = "%(name)s Editor version %(codename)s"' % data,
        'CONST version_revision as integer = %(rev)d' % data,
        'CONST version_branch as string = "%(codename)s"' % data,
        'CONST version_build as string = "%(date)s %(gfx)s %(music)s"' % data,
        ('CONST long_version as string = "%(name)s '
        '%(codename)s %(date)s.%(rev)s %(gfx)s/%(music)s FreeBASIC %(fbver)s"') %  data])
    #write to /tmp/ for now, ca le nu cipra
    f = openw ('cver.txt')
    f.write ('\n'.join (results))
    f.write ('\n')
    for v in list (results):
        if v.startswith('CONST version_code'):
    f = openw ('gver.txt')
    f.write ('\n'.join (results))
    f.write ('\n')
    tmpdate = '.'.join([data['date'][:4],data['date'][4:6],data['date'][6:8]])
    f = openw ('iver.txt')
    f.write ('AppVerName=%(name)s %(codename)s %(date)s\n' % data)
    f.write ('VersionInfoVersion=%s.%s\n' % (tmpdate, rev))
    f.close ()
    f = openw ('distver.bat')
    f.write('@ECHO OFF\n')
    f.write('SET OHRVERCODE=%s\nSET OHRVERDATE=%s' % (codename,
                                                      tmpdate.replace ('.','-')))
    # I am curious why there is not a generated in the original
    # verprint. An oversight?

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