
Luca, I sort of agree ... ok, I am just some random tech writer (with some dev skills in KSH, Java) who likes Solaris and would love to contribute to this project. The problem I see is vision - we probably need to find a way to get a FreeBSD driver wrapper, akin to ndis - it does not sound that hard a thing to do to me, but I have absolutely no idea.

Just thought FreeBSD stole "our" DTRACE and ZFS, let's steal their drivers ;-)

We do need vision and a plan. I would be happy to update the website, I have done some tiny changes here and there, and I thought this project was dead, now I see a bunch of people who actually want this thing to roll, I am not alone? Coool! This mailing list has a life after all ... (except wifi driver compilation issues/porting).

I have a couple of weeks off of work soon, if I overhaul the wiki a bit, what will you do?

BTW, I have an HP Elitebook 8540W and I wanna put oi on this thing, however, it is my production lappy - so I needa be somewhat sure that it is more stable than Windows 7 was - I am running linux now :-\. Note: Windows 7 (with latest drivers) lost wifi connection every time I unplugged the power adapter, forcing a reboot ... yes, it is supposed to be a laptop ;-)

/Henry Ford/ - "/Obstacles/ are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals."


On 04/17/2013 08:43 AM, Luca De Pandis wrote:
I think the main problem of OI is not the lack of leadership or man power.

I think the main problem is the focus of this distro.
Making a desktop distribution without any support of recent hardware is a no-
go, because nobody will be interested in a distro that doesn't support KMS or

Please, don't misunderstand me. Is not an OI fault.
It's like a dog chasing its tail: No recent hardware -> No interest -> No man
power -> No innovation -> No recent hardware...

Illumos is an amazing platform and i really like OI.
I would use it on my laptop, instead of Linux or BSD.

But, the lack of recent hardware (Intel Sandy/Ivy Bridge KMS, Wifi, Card
Reader, Bluetooth etc.) holds me off to use it on my PC.

For now, i use Slackware64 14.0 with ZFSonLinux kernel modules for my USB HD.

IMHO Illumos will have a bright future on server market, but for now not on

Indeed, SmartOS is a very advanced and used hypervisor operating system.
And it doesn't suffer of the same problems of OI, because the desktop is not
its focus.

When Illumos will be grown, maybe a new Canonical with the desktop market in
mind will make a new distribution and will bring innovation in the mainstream
hardware area.
But, for now, focusing on desktop market, there where the competitors are
Linux, Windows and Mac OS X that have a large range of supported peripherals,
without any support for recent hardware and without a company that spends
money to make new drivers is a suicide, IMHO.

Best regards,
Luca De Pandis

In data martedì 16 aprile 2013 18:29:28, Garrett D'Amore ha scritto:
I've tried to stay away from commenting on this thread, but….

The problem with OI is lack of sufficient man power and leadership.   There
are other problems as well ("vision" is one I referred to in the past).

But most urgently, to keep OI going, with any kind of cadence, it needs more
volunteers.  The comments below point to lack of a plan . What's even worse
than lack of a plan is lack of resources to *execute* a plan.  Release a
full desktop distribution is *non-trivial*, and the road is littered with
failed efforts due to insufficient resource, or lack of sufficient
motivation.  (Nexenta used to have a desktop distro… that's how they
started before they moved to storage -- the work/payoff ratio doing a
desktop simply doesn't pay.)

I'm happy to report that illumos' future is no longer tied to OI's.  But I'd
still love to see more folks pitch in and help drive it.  As for myself, I
simply haven't the time to do so; illumos and my own commercial venture
(not to mention my family!) leave me little time for hobby work anymore.

        - Garrett

On Apr 16, 2013, at 6:17 PM, Chris Jones c/o Unixmen
<> wrote:
As others have stated, a road-map outlining planned target dates for
releases and updates is definately  needed and is what everyone wants to
see. Otherwise, any project can seem stale and inactive.

I have been a long time reader of this mailing list and contact people
via email regularly and I know OpenIndiana is far from dead and
inactive. But looking at the information and resources on offer on the
web, there's not really anything useful that suggests what is going on
with the project and where it is heading. And there also needs to be
clear information about who is in charge of what in the community. Who
is the Project Leader? Who is in charge of development and organization
of such tasks? If it is all there in the dark alleys of the internet
somewhere, it certainly isn't easy to find.


Chris Jones
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