Hi all,

I have had a look through the wiki and am getting stuck, first because I do not know the state of the union and have not followed what has already been done ... I only just joined.

I am unsure of what has been done on the build part, we were supposed to use oi-build, which had been taken over and deeply modified by illuminos, from what I read - maybe I got it all wrong, though. So I am not even sure about how we build stuff! The wiki is talking about oi-build, however, from Alasdair I hear it is now called illumos-userland ... so, should we just go back to oi-build and use that?

How about branding, do we finally have an icon that scales well? It took me 30 minutes to come up with something, I am NOT a graphics guy, I just know inkscape, a little.

Maybe we need to set a couple of targets, like get a build out with what we have ... I can try to build some of the upstream stuff, anybody else?

The only problem I face is finding out who wants to do what, here, and what needs to happen to get a build out - as stated before, I only just joined.

@Jim, I have finally answered your email; in short, I was trying to be funny and muster people ... my clarifications below. @Jon Tibble, how do you feel about this? What are your plans, if you are still reading this list ...



On 04/18/2013 02:00 PM, Jim Klimov wrote:
On 2013-04-18 12:05, Hans-Peter Carpenter wrote:
Just thought FreeBSD stole "our" DTRACE and ZFS, let's steal their
drivers ;-)

That's not stealing. The explicit licensing of both projects allows
such borrowing of code to the benefits of collaboration, as well as
adding extra eyeballs to review code and overall design (there are
is number of wrinkles in ZFS found by porters to BSD and Linux for

I was trying to be both constructive and funny; apparently, I failed on both. I know that BSD has brought a lot to the computing industry ... I read Ted Mittelstaedt's FreeBSD book back in the day. Besides, the quotes on "our" were there to mark irony, we forked after they started borrowing it (iirc) and it is not even ours.

We do need vision and a plan. I would be happy to update the website, I
have done some tiny changes here and there, and I thought this project
was dead, now I see a bunch of people who actually want this thing to
roll, I am not alone? Coool! This mailing list has a life after all ...
(except wifi driver compilation issues/porting).

I have a couple of weeks off of work soon, if I overhaul the wiki a bit,
what will you do?

I believe, we will thank you, publicly or in our minds ;)
My idea was more "what will you contribute?" Trying to muster support.

BTW, I have an HP Elitebook 8540W and I wanna put oi on this thing,
however, it is my production lappy - so I needa be somewhat sure that it
is more stable than Windows 7 was - I am running linux now :-\. Note:
Windows 7 (with latest drivers) lost wifi connection every time I
unplugged the power adapter, forcing a reboot ... yes, it is supposed to
be a laptop ;-)

On 04/17/2013 08:43 AM, Luca De Pandis wrote:
I think the main problem of OI is not the lack of leadership or man power.

I think the main problem is the focus of this distro.
Making a desktop distribution without any support of recent hardware is a no- go, because nobody will be interested in a distro that doesn't support KMS or

Please, don't misunderstand me. Is not an OI fault.
It's like a dog chasing its tail: No recent hardware -> No interest -> No man
power -> No innovation -> No recent hardware...

Illumos is an amazing platform and i really like OI.
I would use it on my laptop, instead of Linux or BSD.

But, the lack of recent hardware (Intel Sandy/Ivy Bridge KMS, Wifi, Card
Reader, Bluetooth etc.) holds me off to use it on my PC.

Well... when you put it this way, I agree.

When I don my "developer hat", I'd prefer to be eating my own dogfood.
It is also cool to show it off during common meetings with adepts of
other OSes, i.e. during conferences or trainings, and it's uncool to
have the system unable to use networking at such events ;)

So, while full-blown desktop support with 3D acceleration and effects
might be over the top if I am ready to limit myself to IDEs, browsers,
terminal windows and other primarily text interfaces, the basic things
that allow connectivity (wifi and usb3 for example, just working, even
if not optimal and top-notch performant) and power management are still
quite a must.


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