As for ESR or not ESR...
Due to people's work schedules and relaxation time, we are better off focusing 
on Firefox 43 for the next package release.
Work with the Mozilla enterprise developers and support teams on resolving 
remaining issues ASAP.
No longer provide distro support for Firefox < 43 by end of Y2015.

    On Saturday, November 28, 2015 7:39 AM, Мартин Бохниг <> 

 Hi friends

Суббота, 28 ноября 2015, 13:45 +01:00 от Nikola M <>:

 On 11/27/15 08:31 PM, Nikola M wrote:
 Hey all if anyone noticed, there is FF 34b7 now on userland
 (that I updated passwords form FF24 with resetting 
 signon.importedFromSqlite to default in about:config),

Cool, which src is it based on?

 and with old .mozilla profile I am not experiencing cores on exit anymore.
 Please test 43b7 more to confirm, so it can land to hipster.

Mhh, yes.
Did anyone (of those getting this glitch) test already if the wrapper was the 
silly reason? Or is it a real bug in the cleanup code?
Or maybe the patch Alexander mentioned would be the solution? We must test that 

 -Also there would be nice to have one place (possibly at Martin's Github 
 or similar) where changes for illumos distros for Firefox port could be 
 placed so that now Firefox dev and testing train has been catched up to 
 continue it together.

Whatever you prefer,
>From me sure a +1.
I already thought of this from the beginning, and that's why there are subdirs 
for each distro in

(The DilOS subdir is still  empty, but if Igor has more time he and who-ever 
wants can get rw access.)
Must first check, though, how this is done on github or if bitbucked is better 
for our intended development model. Saw a few summaries last week, but first 
need to re-read them. Or probably many of you can already tell me the answer in 
1 sec. So I'm certainly open for suggestions.

 -I also propose to put thanks to Martin in Firefox in OI hipster 
 Help:about box ,
 under Firefox logo (not over it) , with text that one to thank for it is 
 Martin and it's Paypal mail address.
 It cold be there for a while and I think it is good idea.

This is a very kind proposal.
But I fear I cannot accept it.
Then also Alexander's name needed to be in every [About] box, and then maybe 1 
million others'names.

I need to take a full-day job as UNIX admin.
Problem in Berlin is only: No industry, no Solaris. And those few organizations 
who are still running Solaris in the de-industrialized East are most likely 
"such" ones which would __never__ __ever__ hire me.

But that's another dilemma.
I cannot stay in this damn country that this has become during the past 25 
years, which was my home country until 1989.
But such a donation button only for me would be unfair to others.
If you keep a small copy of my name somewhere in the FF About icon (without 
donation requests), then this would already be more than enough of an honor to 

And: Don't forget to add Alexander also.
The core contributor system in OpenSolaris wasn't that bad actually.
Maybe we shall honor those who contribute by giving them contri and core contri 
And this will be much more fair to _all_ contributors, depending on what and 
how much they contributed.

I think there are at least 10 persons here which deserve such credits right 



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