Hi, all.

I committed FF 43b7 to oi-userland several hours ago.
Theree were some strange issues with building it related to Jenkins environment, so it became available only now (when I get up and re-run the job).

Nikola M писал 29.11.2015 00:49:
On 11/28/15 04:39 PM, Мартин Бохниг wrote:
Cool, which src is it based on?
Martin Bochnig patch of course :)

Did anyone (of those getting this glitch) test already if the wrapper was the silly reason? Or is it a real bug in the cleanup code? Or maybe the patch Alexander mentioned would be the solution? We must test that all.
Ask Alp I  suppose everything is on Github,

Yes, sources are in oi-userland (https://github.com/OpenIndiana/oi-userland/tree/oi/hipster/components/firefox/), Martin, you can get what you consider necessary to your repository. The only wish which I have (what I miss compared to Oracle solaris-desktop~spec-files repository) is splitting one giant patch by problems which it solve. It would allow, for example, to upstream it by parts.

I was relaying my results on trying out 43b7, it is ok to push it to
hipster, because it does not behave like 43b6 was.
b6 was coring on exitt with old .mozilla profile but not with new
empty one. b7 works Ok so that's it. (I cried a little on Mozilla IRC,
maybe that helped? :P)

This is a very kind proposal.

In any case, I've added Martin and OpenSXCE mentioning to Help->About Firefox information.

BTW, having working Shumway is cool. Flash player has always stopped working when I switched to another window after watching full-scrren video. However, some flash applications still
don't work. I hope we'll see fixed Shumway version soon.
System Administrator of Southern Federal University Computer Center

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