>Суббота, 28 ноября 2015, 17:08 UTC от ken mays via oi-dev 
>As for ESR or not ESR...
>Due to people's work schedules and relaxation time, we are better off focusing 
>on Firefox 43 for the next package release.
>Work with the Mozilla enterprise developers and support teams on resolving 
>remaining issues ASAP.
>No longer provide distro support for Firefox < 43 by end of Y2015.

Excellent idea, Ken.
Are you in contact with the FF devs?

I had at first on my TODO list 10 days ago to also post some (less personal) 
announcement to the Mozilla devel list.
Only DRM/KMS pushed me in the next black hole and hence I never came to writing 
such thing up.

But if you already are in touch with them, the better it is, GREAT.

Thanks to all who helped with this, wow, looks good:



BTW, here an excerpt from what I just wrote to Aurelian, who donated 100 EUR, I 
think I not only may but even *should* forward this (contains only my own text, 
so I can publish it) :

Dear Aurelien,

with the website you do a marvellous job!
But what you now sent to my Paypal account is so GOOD that it almost makes me 
feel guilty if I accept it.

MAN, how can I thank you without writing to many stuff about donations on the 
lists (which only looks like more begging)???

I am also relived that we are finally all a community now.
I think I made severe mistakes in the past by recognizing too slowly how much 
everything has changed to the positive here on OI  :)

Because those who only saw it as part of their "business model" have up 3 years 
Now the only ones who are still here are the truely genuine Solaris nerds  ;)

Thse who really do Solaris because they cannot imagine switching to LinUX, 
rather than those counting their EUR's, and doing wahtever appears to help 
their career or business.

Also it was technically wrong that I disliked IPS so much in the past.
I think I was indeed biased against it for good reasons. Because - let alone 
the pain to bottstrap a repo from it - in 2007 Sun (Dr. Stephen Hahn) _forced_ 
it on us, by brute force. Ignoring the scepticism and unahppiness of many. That 
was the point when OpenSolaris as a big project already died. 

But now I must say, for upgrades it is extremely fine-grained.
(if it only wasn't so tough to master).
Must say, meanwhile I think many a lot of aspects of IPS are indeed better than 
Although it is a real monster, especially the old version still usable in 

But from a user's perspective it is great.

Well back to how can I thank you.
In 1 minute I add you as GOLD-Sponsor to  

And otherwise let me say:  

Glad we are all one team now  :)


TNX  TnX  tnX  :)

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