OI currently has postgresql versions: 95 96 10 11 12 .  The OI
default, in shared-macros.mk, is 95 .  However, the postgresql
developers report that 95 is unsupported, but 13 is available and
supported.  Something has to change in OI to move forward with

Here are some actions that could be taken with OI.  We could change
the default version to 10.  I, myself, would prefer 11.  We could
obsolete 95.  I'd prefer obsoleting 95 and 96.  We could add version
13, but only after 96 is obsoleted.  We should limit the number of
postgresql versions in OI, after all.  Finally, we could make no
obsoletions or additions, retaining even the unsupported 95.  Which
would you prefer?

I have not investigated two questions.  Perhaps you can tell me?  What
are the consequences of obsoleting 95?  What are the consequences of
the default change?

-Gary Mills-            -refurb-                -Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-

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