I can sense your frustration that your question was not answered in the time frame you 
had hoped.

the answer would be "no" this is neither normal or acceptable. I believe there was 
some work done to support subclassing across tables, and I will look into that. You 
could use a "fast" mapping that just brings the name into the object world vs a big 
complex object. A custom rowreader could probably also do this.

there is no way you can put both the person and contact mapped to one table? I know 
that works nicely and is quick.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ebersole, Steven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 10:52 AM
To: 'OJB Users List'
Subject: RE: performance

So would over 2 minutes be considered acceptable/normal for OJB then?

    |-----Original Message-----
    |From: Ebersole, Steven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    |Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 10:28 AM
    |To: 'OJB Users List'
    |Subject: RE: performance
    |I did I little more troubleshooting (hacking) and found 
    |that, at least in
    |part, the problem is caused by the Contact's reference to 
    |the Person class
    |and Company class.  If I proxy those references or remove 
    |them, the load
    |time goes from 2 minutes 5 seconds down to 30 seconds for 
    |the company with
    |1524 employees.
    |The problem with proxying the Person reference is that 
    |there is never a time
    |when I would need the Contact without their name, which is 
    |kept on the
    |PERSON table mapping to the Person class.
    |Basically the concept I am trying to model here is a 
    |person's relationship
    |to a company.  Ideally, the Contact class would simply be 
    |a sub-class of
    |Person with the company relation information on that 
    |Contact concrete
    |subclass.  Yet from what I have read OJB does not support 
    |subclassing across
    |tables, aside from indirectly as I have modeled it.  Is 
    |there a better way
    |to map this relationship using OJB?  Or maybe a way to 
    |force OJB to perform
    |an outer join here since it is a single association going 
    |from the Contact
    |to the Person?  Maybe a custom RowReader impl?
    |I also verified (as I think Cristian was trying to imply) 
    |that the queries
    |themselves are pretty quick, at least through Oracle's sqlplus.
    |Anyway, any help would be great.
    |-----Original Message-----
    |From: Malinescu, Cristian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    |Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 8:43 AM
    |To: 'OJB Users List'
    |Subject: RE: performance
    |Hi, surprising how much similarity, we are doing also some CRM
    |and we used some commercial appsrv( like "t3://myserver:7001" ;-) )
    |till we become very piss off because of entity ejb performance 
    |and now we will migrate to tomcat and ojb ( currently 
    |4.1.18/1.0rc1 )
    |and our performance test are till now very satisfactory ...
    |-----Original Message-----
    |From: Ebersole, Steven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    |Sent: Dienstag, 18. März 2003 15:30
    |To: 'OJB Users List'
    |Subject: RE: performance
    |Thanks for the response.
    |First the database schema is completely normalized.  And 
    |unfortunately I
    |cant work with just 15 tables; this is the begining of a 
    |CRM app and phase
    |one alone has over 300 tables.  All PK and FK are also set 
    |up as indexes.
    |Not that it (should) matter much, but we also use Oracle 8i.
    |As for the source code, this is just a simple test class 
    |(code below) and as
    |such, there is only one PB instance.  This is not yet even 
    |incurring the
    |overhead of the EJB calls.
    |public class TestCompanyMappings
    |    private static final Logger log = Logger.getRootLogger();
    |    public TestCompanyMappings()
    |    {
    |        System.setProperty( "OJB.properties",  
    |        System.setProperty( Context.PROVIDER_URL, 
    |"t3://myserver:7001" );
    |        System.setProperty( Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,
    |"weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory" );
    |    }
    |    public static void main( String[] args )
    |    {
    |        TestCompanyMappings me = new TestCompanyMappings();
    |        me.execute();
    |    }
    |    private void execute()
    |    {
    |        PersistenceBroker broker = null;
    |        Criteria crit = null;
    |        crit = new Criteria();
    |        crit.addEqualTo( "id", new Integer(1) );
    |        Query query = new QueryByCriteria( Company.class, crit );
    |        try
    |        {
    |            broker = 
    |            log.debug( "Starting query" );
    |            java.util.Collection extent = 
    |broker.getCollectionByQuery( query
    |            log.debug( "Done query; iterating" );
    |            java.util.Iterator iter = extent.iterator();
    |            while (iter.hasNext())
    |            {
    |                display( (Company)iter.next() );
    |            }
    |            log.debug( "Done iterating" );
    |        }
    |        catch( Throwable t )
    |        {
    |            log.error( "Error occurred", t );
    |        }
    |        finally
    |        {
    |            if (broker != null)
    |            {
    |                try
    |                {
    |                    broker.close();
    |                }
    |                catch( Throwable t )
    |                {}
    |            }
    |        }
    |    }
    |    private void display( Company company )
    |    {
    |        System.out.println(
    |"***********************************************" );
    |        System.out.println( "    ID           : " + 
    |company.getId() );
    |        System.out.println( "    Name         : " + 
    |company.getName() );
    |        System.out.println(
    |"***********************************************" );
    |        log.debug( "Forcing load of employees" );
    |        System.out.println( "    First contact last-name : " +
    |) );
    |        log.debug( "Employees loaded" );
    |    }
    |-----Original Message-----
    |From: Malinescu, Cristian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    |Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 8:18 AM
    |To: 'OJB Users List'
    |Subject: RE: performance
    |My opinion is basically to take a look at your sourcecode first and
    |don't forget to index your tables.
    |For me, for my typical situation/project I can tell next details :
    |My Oracle 8 database schema for test contains ~ 15 tables 
    |with more than 
    |300 total defined columns, minimum indexed, with 1:n and 
    |n:m relations 
    |using indirection tables, and a total of more than 200.000 
    |entries and a 
    |complete test suite where full schema is parsed takes 
    |under 20 seconds. 
    |Some development advice is to take care to create in your 
    |source code
    |one PBKey/PersistenceBroker instance and to cache this for 
    |later usage.
    |-----Original Message-----
    |From: Ebersole, Steven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    |Sent: Dienstag, 18. März 2003 15:03
    |To: OJB Users List (E-mail)
    |Subject: performance
    |I am running into a huge performance issue and was hoping 
    |to get some
    |guidance on where to start looking for a problem.  Then 
    |mapping portion
    |causing the problem deals with employees for a company.  I 
    |currently have
    |this modeled as a bi-directional 1:n mapping (Company has 
    |a collection of
    |employees and Employee has a reference to its Company).  
    |Both sides of the
    |association are set to be proxies (collection-proxy and 
    |I then tested by loading 2 companies, one with 175 
    |employees and another
    |with 1524 (the results were pretty much the same querying 
    |the Employee
    |object by its company).  Accessing the employee collection 
    |on the first
    |company took 1.5 secs to load.  Accessing the employee 
    |collection on the
    |second took 2 minutes and 5 secs to load.
    |Thats not even close to linear, so I am thinking I must be 
    |doing something
    |wrong.  Any help troubleshooting this would be greatly 
    |appreciated.  Below
    |are the mappings for both classes.  I am using the
    |PersistentFieldMaxPerformanceImpl for the 
    |PersistenceFieldClass and a JNDI
    |##   Company entity type mapping
    |    <class-descriptor
    |            table="COMPANY"
    |    >
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="id"
    |                column="COMP_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |                primarykey="true"
    |                autoincrement="true"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="parentId"
    |                column="PRNT_COMP_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="pending"
    |                column="PENDING_APPRVL_FLG"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="name"
    |                column="NAME"
    |                jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="aliases"
    |                column="ALIASES"
    |                jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="numberOfVignetteSites"
    |                column="NUM_OF_VIGN_SITES"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="annualRevenueAmount"
    |                column="ANNUAL_REV"
    |                jdbc-type="DOUBLE"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="annualRevenueCurrencyId"
    |                column="ANNUAL_REV_CURR_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="potentialOpportunityAmount"
    |                column="POTNL_OPP"
    |                jdbc-type="DOUBLE"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="potentialOpportunityCurrencyId"
    |                column="POTNL_OPP_CURR_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="fortuneListId"
    |                column="FORT_LIST_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="geographyId"
    |                column="GEO_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="customerStatusId"
    |                column="CUST_PROD_STAT_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="createdBy"
    |                column="CRTD_BY"
    |                jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="createdDate"
    |                column="CRTD_DT"
    |                jdbc-type="TIMESTAMP"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="modifiedBy"
    |                column="CHGD_BY"
    |                jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="modifiedDate"
    |                column="CHGD_DT"
    |                jdbc-type="TIMESTAMP"
    |        />
    |        <reference-descriptor
    |                name="parent"
    |                proxy="true"
    |        >
    |            <foreignkey field-ref="parentId"/>
    |        </reference-descriptor>
    |        <reference-descriptor
    |                name="annualRevenueCurrency"
    |                proxy="true"
    |        >
    |            <foreignkey field-ref="annualRevenueCurrencyId"/>
    |        </reference-descriptor>
    |        <reference-descriptor
    |                name="potentialOpportunityCurrency"
    |                proxy="true"
    |        >
    |            <foreignkey 
    |        </reference-descriptor>
    |        <reference-descriptor
    |                name="fortuneList"
    |                proxy="true"
    |        >
    |            <foreignkey field-ref="fortuneListId"/>
    |        </reference-descriptor>
    |        <reference-descriptor
    |                name="geography"
    |                proxy="true"
    |        >
    |            <foreignkey field-ref="geographyId"/>
    |        </reference-descriptor>
    |        <reference-descriptor
    |                name="customerStatus"
    |                proxy="true"
    |        >
    |            <foreignkey field-ref="customerStatusId"/>
    |        </reference-descriptor>
    |        <collection-descriptor
    |                name="addresses"
    |                orderby="hqAddress"
    |                sort="DESC"
    |                proxy="true"
    |        >
    |            <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="companyId"/>
    |        </collection-descriptor>
    |        <collection-descriptor
    |                name="phones"
    |                proxy="true"
    |                indirection-table="COMP_PHONE_NUM_JT"
    |        >
    |            <fk-pointing-to-this-class column="COMP_ID"/>
    |            <fk-pointing-to-element-class column="PHONE_NUM_ID"/>
    |        </collection-descriptor>
    |        <collection-descriptor
    |                name="vignRelationships"
    |                proxy="true"
    |                indirection-table="COMP_COMP_TYPE_JT"
    |        >
    |            <fk-pointing-to-this-class column="COMP_ID"/>
    |            <fk-pointing-to-element-class column="COMP_TYPE_ID"/>
    |        </collection-descriptor>
    |        <collection-descriptor
    |                name="industries"
    |                proxy="true"
    |                indirection-table="COMP_IND_JT"
    |        >
    |            <fk-pointing-to-this-class column="COMP_ID"/>
    |            <fk-pointing-to-element-class column="IND_ID"/>
    |        </collection-descriptor>
    |        <collection-descriptor
    |                name="employees"
    |                proxy="true"
    |        >
    |            <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="companyId"/>
    |        </collection-descriptor>
    |    </class-descriptor>
    |##   Contact entity type mapping
    |    <class-descriptor
    |            table="COMP_PERS_JT"
    |    >
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="id"
    |                column="COMP_PERS_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |                primarykey="true"
    |                autoincrement="true"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="companyId"
    |                column="COMP_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="personId"
    |                column="PERS_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="managerId"
    |                column="MGR_COMP_PERS_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="title"
    |                column="TITLE_1"
    |                jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="title2"
    |                column="TITLE_2"
    |                jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="primary"
    |                column="PRIMARY_FLG"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="active"
    |                column="ACTIVE_FLG"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="createdBy"
    |                column="CRTD_BY"
    |                jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="createdDate"
    |                column="CRTD_DT"
    |                jdbc-type="TIMESTAMP"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="modifiedBy"
    |                column="CHGD_BY"
    |                jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="modifiedDate"
    |                column="CHGD_DT"
    |                jdbc-type="TIMESTAMP"
    |        />
    |        <reference-descriptor
    |                name="company"
    |                proxy="false"
    |        >
    |            <foreignkey field-ref="companyId"/>
    |        </reference-descriptor>
    |        <reference-descriptor
    |                name="person"
    |                proxy="false"
    |        >
    |            <foreignkey field-ref="personId"/>
    |        </reference-descriptor>
    |        <reference-descriptor
    |                name="manager"
    |                proxy="true"
    |        >
    |            <foreignkey field-ref="managerId"/>
    |        </reference-descriptor>
    |        <collection-descriptor
    |                name="addresses"
    |                proxy="true"
    |                indirection-table="COMP_PERS_ADDR_JT"
    |        >
    |            <fk-pointing-to-this-class column="COMP_PERS_ID"/>
    |            <fk-pointing-to-element-class column="ADDR_ID"/>
    |        </collection-descriptor>
    |        <collection-descriptor
    |                name="phones"
    |                proxy="true"
    |                indirection-table="COMP_PERS_PHONE_NUM_JT"
    |        >
    |            <fk-pointing-to-this-class column="COMP_PERS_ID"/>
    |            <fk-pointing-to-element-class column="PHONE_NUM_ID"/>
    |        </collection-descriptor>
    |    </class-descriptor>
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