Hi Marcelo,

Marcelo Magno wrote:
I am in a need of some performance results to put on my final project
documentation, I saw the page
http://db.apache.org/ojb/performance.html, but what I need is some
general results just to ilustrate how much OJB looses in performance
against the good features it brings to the development enviroment.

Because OJB just up one level on of abstaction, this has some
implications on performance, IMHO its clearly acceptable, but I need
to put some table of performances to ilustrate this.

That's what you get when you execute the ant target "performance"!
You get performance results for CRUD operations comparing OJB PersistenceBroker and ODMG API against native JDBC performance.

Just drag the results into an excel sheet and draw your charts!


Thanks in advance, MMAGNO

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