I would love to.  Unfortunately the system architect for this project
refuses to budge on these types of issues.  Phase one of this project has
been in production for just about a year (plus a lot of imported data) and
there are exactly zero occurences where a person is mapped to more than one
company in the system, but he refuses to concede this point.  Thats where my
frustration is and sorry if it came across as frustration towards anyone on
this list.

But if a hear the word "flexible" one more time in relation to DB schema
design I am going to scream ;-)

At any rate, no it is not possible to merge this data.  The thing that
confuses me is that running this in sqlplus (manually opening a cursor over
the 1524 employee records and iterating over them in a loop while loading
there associated person record inside the loop) takes no time at all (like
.4 seconds).  Of course that all happens server-side.  So to try to add more
load, I added output statements inside the loop (which Oracle can't handle
really well), but the looping still just took around 4 seconds.

I have been pushing OJB over our current O/R tool (Castor) for the last
year, and have finally gotten the go ahead to migrate to something other
than Castor.  But it will be hard to justify when loading (what seems like)
simple object graphs takes this long.

I'll have a further look at the RowReader usage to see how it might best be

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Baird [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 3:52 PM
To: OJB Users List
Subject: RE: performance

I can sense your frustration that your question was not answered in the time
frame you had hoped.

the answer would be "no" this is neither normal or acceptable. I believe
there was some work done to support subclassing across tables, and I will
look into that. You could use a "fast" mapping that just brings the name
into the object world vs a big complex object. A custom rowreader could
probably also do this.

there is no way you can put both the person and contact mapped to one table?
I know that works nicely and is quick.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ebersole, Steven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 10:52 AM
To: 'OJB Users List'
Subject: RE: performance

So would over 2 minutes be considered acceptable/normal for OJB then?

    |-----Original Message-----
    |From: Ebersole, Steven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    |Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 10:28 AM
    |To: 'OJB Users List'
    |Subject: RE: performance
    |I did I little more troubleshooting (hacking) and found 
    |that, at least in
    |part, the problem is caused by the Contact's reference to 
    |the Person class
    |and Company class.  If I proxy those references or remove 
    |them, the load
    |time goes from 2 minutes 5 seconds down to 30 seconds for 
    |the company with
    |1524 employees.
    |The problem with proxying the Person reference is that 
    |there is never a time
    |when I would need the Contact without their name, which is 
    |kept on the
    |PERSON table mapping to the Person class.
    |Basically the concept I am trying to model here is a 
    |person's relationship
    |to a company.  Ideally, the Contact class would simply be 
    |a sub-class of
    |Person with the company relation information on that 
    |Contact concrete
    |subclass.  Yet from what I have read OJB does not support 
    |subclassing across
    |tables, aside from indirectly as I have modeled it.  Is 
    |there a better way
    |to map this relationship using OJB?  Or maybe a way to 
    |force OJB to perform
    |an outer join here since it is a single association going 
    |from the Contact
    |to the Person?  Maybe a custom RowReader impl?
    |I also verified (as I think Cristian was trying to imply) 
    |that the queries
    |themselves are pretty quick, at least through Oracle's sqlplus.
    |Anyway, any help would be great.
    |-----Original Message-----
    |From: Malinescu, Cristian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    |Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 8:43 AM
    |To: 'OJB Users List'
    |Subject: RE: performance
    |Hi, surprising how much similarity, we are doing also some CRM
    |and we used some commercial appsrv( like "t3://myserver:7001" ;-) )
    |till we become very piss off because of entity ejb performance 
    |and now we will migrate to tomcat and ojb ( currently 
    |4.1.18/1.0rc1 )
    |and our performance test are till now very satisfactory ...
    |-----Original Message-----
    |From: Ebersole, Steven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    |Sent: Dienstag, 18. März 2003 15:30
    |To: 'OJB Users List'
    |Subject: RE: performance
    |Thanks for the response.
    |First the database schema is completely normalized.  And 
    |unfortunately I
    |cant work with just 15 tables; this is the begining of a 
    |CRM app and phase
    |one alone has over 300 tables.  All PK and FK are also set 
    |up as indexes.
    |Not that it (should) matter much, but we also use Oracle 8i.
    |As for the source code, this is just a simple test class 
    |(code below) and as
    |such, there is only one PB instance.  This is not yet even 
    |incurring the
    |overhead of the EJB calls.
    |public class TestCompanyMappings
    |    private static final Logger log = Logger.getRootLogger();
    |    public TestCompanyMappings()
    |    {
    |        System.setProperty( "OJB.properties",  
    |        System.setProperty( Context.PROVIDER_URL, 
    |"t3://myserver:7001" );
    |        System.setProperty( Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,
    |"weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory" );
    |    }
    |    public static void main( String[] args )
    |    {
    |        TestCompanyMappings me = new TestCompanyMappings();
    |        me.execute();
    |    }
    |    private void execute()
    |    {
    |        PersistenceBroker broker = null;
    |        Criteria crit = null;
    |        crit = new Criteria();
    |        crit.addEqualTo( "id", new Integer(1) );
    |        Query query = new QueryByCriteria( Company.class, crit );
    |        try
    |        {
    |            broker = 
    |            log.debug( "Starting query" );
    |            java.util.Collection extent = 
    |broker.getCollectionByQuery( query
    |            log.debug( "Done query; iterating" );
    |            java.util.Iterator iter = extent.iterator();
    |            while (iter.hasNext())
    |            {
    |                display( (Company)iter.next() );
    |            }
    |            log.debug( "Done iterating" );
    |        }
    |        catch( Throwable t )
    |        {
    |            log.error( "Error occurred", t );
    |        }
    |        finally
    |        {
    |            if (broker != null)
    |            {
    |                try
    |                {
    |                    broker.close();
    |                }
    |                catch( Throwable t )
    |                {}
    |            }
    |        }
    |    }
    |    private void display( Company company )
    |    {
    |        System.out.println(
    |"***********************************************" );
    |        System.out.println( "    ID           : " + 
    |company.getId() );
    |        System.out.println( "    Name         : " + 
    |company.getName() );
    |        System.out.println(
    |"***********************************************" );
    |        log.debug( "Forcing load of employees" );
    |        System.out.println( "    First contact last-name : " +
    |) );
    |        log.debug( "Employees loaded" );
    |    }
    |-----Original Message-----
    |From: Malinescu, Cristian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    |Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 8:18 AM
    |To: 'OJB Users List'
    |Subject: RE: performance
    |My opinion is basically to take a look at your sourcecode first and
    |don't forget to index your tables.
    |For me, for my typical situation/project I can tell next details :
    |My Oracle 8 database schema for test contains ~ 15 tables 
    |with more than 
    |300 total defined columns, minimum indexed, with 1:n and 
    |n:m relations 
    |using indirection tables, and a total of more than 200.000 
    |entries and a 
    |complete test suite where full schema is parsed takes 
    |under 20 seconds. 
    |Some development advice is to take care to create in your 
    |source code
    |one PBKey/PersistenceBroker instance and to cache this for 
    |later usage.
    |-----Original Message-----
    |From: Ebersole, Steven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    |Sent: Dienstag, 18. März 2003 15:03
    |To: OJB Users List (E-mail)
    |Subject: performance
    |I am running into a huge performance issue and was hoping 
    |to get some
    |guidance on where to start looking for a problem.  Then 
    |mapping portion
    |causing the problem deals with employees for a company.  I 
    |currently have
    |this modeled as a bi-directional 1:n mapping (Company has 
    |a collection of
    |employees and Employee has a reference to its Company).  
    |Both sides of the
    |association are set to be proxies (collection-proxy and 
    |I then tested by loading 2 companies, one with 175 
    |employees and another
    |with 1524 (the results were pretty much the same querying 
    |the Employee
    |object by its company).  Accessing the employee collection 
    |on the first
    |company took 1.5 secs to load.  Accessing the employee 
    |collection on the
    |second took 2 minutes and 5 secs to load.
    |Thats not even close to linear, so I am thinking I must be 
    |doing something
    |wrong.  Any help troubleshooting this would be greatly 
    |appreciated.  Below
    |are the mappings for both classes.  I am using the
    |PersistentFieldMaxPerformanceImpl for the 
    |PersistenceFieldClass and a JNDI
    |##   Company entity type mapping
    |    <class-descriptor
    |            table="COMPANY"
    |    >
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="id"
    |                column="COMP_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |                primarykey="true"
    |                autoincrement="true"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="parentId"
    |                column="PRNT_COMP_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="pending"
    |                column="PENDING_APPRVL_FLG"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="name"
    |                column="NAME"
    |                jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="aliases"
    |                column="ALIASES"
    |                jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="numberOfVignetteSites"
    |                column="NUM_OF_VIGN_SITES"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="annualRevenueAmount"
    |                column="ANNUAL_REV"
    |                jdbc-type="DOUBLE"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="annualRevenueCurrencyId"
    |                column="ANNUAL_REV_CURR_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="potentialOpportunityAmount"
    |                column="POTNL_OPP"
    |                jdbc-type="DOUBLE"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="potentialOpportunityCurrencyId"
    |                column="POTNL_OPP_CURR_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="fortuneListId"
    |                column="FORT_LIST_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="geographyId"
    |                column="GEO_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="customerStatusId"
    |                column="CUST_PROD_STAT_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="createdBy"
    |                column="CRTD_BY"
    |                jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="createdDate"
    |                column="CRTD_DT"
    |                jdbc-type="TIMESTAMP"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="modifiedBy"
    |                column="CHGD_BY"
    |                jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="modifiedDate"
    |                column="CHGD_DT"
    |                jdbc-type="TIMESTAMP"
    |        />
    |        <reference-descriptor
    |                name="parent"
    |                proxy="true"
    |        >
    |            <foreignkey field-ref="parentId"/>
    |        </reference-descriptor>
    |        <reference-descriptor
    |                name="annualRevenueCurrency"
    |                proxy="true"
    |        >
    |            <foreignkey field-ref="annualRevenueCurrencyId"/>
    |        </reference-descriptor>
    |        <reference-descriptor
    |                name="potentialOpportunityCurrency"
    |                proxy="true"
    |        >
    |            <foreignkey 
    |        </reference-descriptor>
    |        <reference-descriptor
    |                name="fortuneList"
    |                proxy="true"
    |        >
    |            <foreignkey field-ref="fortuneListId"/>
    |        </reference-descriptor>
    |        <reference-descriptor
    |                name="geography"
    |                proxy="true"
    |        >
    |            <foreignkey field-ref="geographyId"/>
    |        </reference-descriptor>
    |        <reference-descriptor
    |                name="customerStatus"
    |                proxy="true"
    |        >
    |            <foreignkey field-ref="customerStatusId"/>
    |        </reference-descriptor>
    |        <collection-descriptor
    |                name="addresses"
    |                orderby="hqAddress"
    |                sort="DESC"
    |                proxy="true"
    |        >
    |            <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="companyId"/>
    |        </collection-descriptor>
    |        <collection-descriptor
    |                name="phones"
    |                proxy="true"
    |                indirection-table="COMP_PHONE_NUM_JT"
    |        >
    |            <fk-pointing-to-this-class column="COMP_ID"/>
    |            <fk-pointing-to-element-class column="PHONE_NUM_ID"/>
    |        </collection-descriptor>
    |        <collection-descriptor
    |                name="vignRelationships"
    |                proxy="true"
    |                indirection-table="COMP_COMP_TYPE_JT"
    |        >
    |            <fk-pointing-to-this-class column="COMP_ID"/>
    |            <fk-pointing-to-element-class column="COMP_TYPE_ID"/>
    |        </collection-descriptor>
    |        <collection-descriptor
    |                name="industries"
    |                proxy="true"
    |                indirection-table="COMP_IND_JT"
    |        >
    |            <fk-pointing-to-this-class column="COMP_ID"/>
    |            <fk-pointing-to-element-class column="IND_ID"/>
    |        </collection-descriptor>
    |        <collection-descriptor
    |                name="employees"
    |                proxy="true"
    |        >
    |            <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="companyId"/>
    |        </collection-descriptor>
    |    </class-descriptor>
    |##   Contact entity type mapping
    |    <class-descriptor
    |            table="COMP_PERS_JT"
    |    >
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="id"
    |                column="COMP_PERS_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |                primarykey="true"
    |                autoincrement="true"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="companyId"
    |                column="COMP_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="personId"
    |                column="PERS_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="managerId"
    |                column="MGR_COMP_PERS_ID"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="title"
    |                column="TITLE_1"
    |                jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="title2"
    |                column="TITLE_2"
    |                jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="primary"
    |                column="PRIMARY_FLG"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="active"
    |                column="ACTIVE_FLG"
    |                jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="createdBy"
    |                column="CRTD_BY"
    |                jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="createdDate"
    |                column="CRTD_DT"
    |                jdbc-type="TIMESTAMP"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="modifiedBy"
    |                column="CHGD_BY"
    |                jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
    |        />
    |        <field-descriptor
    |                name="modifiedDate"
    |                column="CHGD_DT"
    |                jdbc-type="TIMESTAMP"
    |        />
    |        <reference-descriptor
    |                name="company"
    |                proxy="false"
    |        >
    |            <foreignkey field-ref="companyId"/>
    |        </reference-descriptor>
    |        <reference-descriptor
    |                name="person"
    |                proxy="false"
    |        >
    |            <foreignkey field-ref="personId"/>
    |        </reference-descriptor>
    |        <reference-descriptor
    |                name="manager"
    |                proxy="true"
    |        >
    |            <foreignkey field-ref="managerId"/>
    |        </reference-descriptor>
    |        <collection-descriptor
    |                name="addresses"
    |                proxy="true"
    |                indirection-table="COMP_PERS_ADDR_JT"
    |        >
    |            <fk-pointing-to-this-class column="COMP_PERS_ID"/>
    |            <fk-pointing-to-element-class column="ADDR_ID"/>
    |        </collection-descriptor>
    |        <collection-descriptor
    |                name="phones"
    |                proxy="true"
    |                indirection-table="COMP_PERS_PHONE_NUM_JT"
    |        >
    |            <fk-pointing-to-this-class column="COMP_PERS_ID"/>
    |            <fk-pointing-to-element-class column="PHONE_NUM_ID"/>
    |        </collection-descriptor>
    |    </class-descriptor>
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