
I was wondering if you'd been able to determine the right way to proceed with this. If I understood correctly before, the JDO layer is broken and has been for some time. But that can't be right, since other people are using JDO. Regardless, I hope you find the solution; it's kind of hard to use JDO when it's read-only :-). Thanks.

Thomas Mahler wrote:
Hi Ketan,

Ketan Gangatirkar wrote:


I've been stepping through the OBJ JDO and JDORI code. I have determined that the PersistenceCapable objects never are assigned a StateManager (member jdoStateManager) when they are assembled from a row result.

That's exactly the problem! I'm currently researching how to solve this issue.

When an object is created and persisted, it does get assigned a StateManager, but I see no corresponding assignment for objects fetched from the DB.

I does does happen when objects are retrieved by Identity in OjbStoreManager.fetch.

But it does not happen when loading object via a query or a whole Extent.

I'm currently trying to implement the StateManager assignment in OjbExtent too. But it's not as easy as I hoped...

I'll need a closer look at the JDORI again...


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