
I tried using the method in tutorial4 to look up objects by OID, but I kept getting "javax.jdo.JDOUserException: Given object is not a valid OID." This is the relevant code section, basically copied out of org.apache.ojb.tutorial5.UCEditProduct and adapted slightly:


    PersistenceManagerFactory pmf = new OjbStorePMF();
    PersistenceManager pm = pmf.getPersistenceManager();

    Building example = new Building();

    Identity oid = new Identity(example);

Building building = (Building) pm.getObjectById(oid, false);


oid.toString() returns "org.lbjnow.calvin.location.Building{4}" which certainly looks plausible.

As a result, the work-around does not work :-/. This happens with all my objects; I just picked the simplest to demonstrate. The repository_user.xml section is:


<class-descriptor class="org.lbjnow.calvin.location.Building"
<field-descriptor id="1" name="buildingID" column="building_id"
    jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true"  autoincrement="true"
    sequence-name="building_id_seq" />
<field-descriptor id="2" name="shortName" column="short_name"
<field-descriptor id="3" name="longName" column="long_name"


The part of the .jdo file for that class is:


<class name="Building" identity-type="application"
    <field name="buildingID" primary-key="true"
        null-value="exception" />
    <field name="shortName" />
    <field name="longName" />


The class itself is rather simple right now, with just the fields listed above and the appropriate getter/setter methods. The rest of the exception looks like this:


javax.jdo.JDOUserException: Given object is not a valid OID.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: arg1
at com.sun.jdori.common.CacheManagerImpl.createNewSM(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.jdori.common.CacheManagerImpl.getStateManager(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.jdori.common.CacheManagerImpl.getObjectById(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.jdori.common.PersistenceManagerImpl.getObjectById(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.jdori.common.PersistenceManagerWrapper.getObjectById(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.jsp.tj_jsp._jspService(


If I can get lookups to work this way, that would certainly suffice for my needs.

Thomas Mahler wrote:

Hi again ketan,

Ketan Gangatirkar wrote:

The only problem seems to be that I did not manage to transfer the correct
state information during the retrieval of extents. Only if you rely on this
state information you'll get problems...

Ah, there it is. I have this problem when retrieving objects from JDOQL queries as well as using the methods defined by Extent. Did I misunderstand you?

No, that's what I meant. JDOQL queries rely on extents, that's why.
The tutorial app does only edit objects based on a primary key lookup...

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