
Did you see my response to your other post? Please reply to the list.


Rob :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Scheuerer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 6 January 2004 10:17 a.m.
To: OJB Users List
Subject: How to combine two non-decomposed m:n mappings in one


I have the following problem:

I have a table keywords which has two non-decomposed m:n mappings to the
document and file. The latter two both implement the interface
SupportItem. In 
my Keyword class i would like to have a collection of all SupportItems
for this 
Is it possible to declare two indirection-tables in a
collection-descriptor? If not, how could this be accomplished? Can OJB
handle such a case?

Thanks a lot!

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--- Begin Message ---
Hi Patrick.

Is the field doc_id in download_pal_model actually meant to be model_id?
Otherwise I am a touch confused :)

Also, I assume you've checked out the advanced O/R mapping stuff at
http://db.apache.org/ojb/tutorial3.html - if not, do it now!

Idea #1:
  For download -> model
<class-descriptor class="download" table="t_download">
  ... Field Descriptors ...

  <collection-descriptor name="models"
        <fk-pointing-to-this-class column="download_id"/>
        <fk-pointing-to-element-class column="model_id"/>
  And going from model -> download...
<class-descriptor class="model" table="t_model">
  ... Field Descriptors ...

  <collection-descriptor name="downloads"
        <fk-pointing-to-this-class column="model_id"/>
        <fk-pointing-to-element-class column="download_id"/>

Okay, that's a simple non-decomposed M:N and you probably know that
already ... That doesn't really help with the single-collection issue at

Idea #2:
How about:
<class-descriptor class="SupportItemI">
  <extent-class class-ref="Document"/>
  <extent-class class-ref="Download"/>

<class-descriptor class="pal_model" table="t_pal_model">
  ... Field Descriptors ...
  <collection descriptor name="collectionOfSupportItemIs"
        <fk-pointing-to-this-class column="model_id"/>
        <fk-pointing-to-element-class column="SupportItemID"/>

<class-descriptor class="download" table="t_download">
  ... Field Descriptors ...
  <collection-descriptor name="models"
        <fk-pointing-to-this-class column="SupportItemID"/>
        <fk-pointing-to-element-class column="model_id"/>

You should be able to keep your object design the same and just modify
the tables a bit so there is one table for both relations... Still
non-decomposed :)

Implement pal_model_download and pal_model_document as classes,
extending a common class (ModelContents). Then ...

<class-descriptor class="ModelContents">
  <extent-class class-ref="pal_model_download"/>
  <extent-class class-ref="pal_model_document"/>

<class-descriptor class="pal_model" table="t_pal_model">
  ... Field Descriptors ...
  <collection descriptor name="collectionOfSupportItemIs"
        <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="model_id"/>

<class-descriptor class="download" table="t_download">
  ... Field Descriptors ...
  <collection-descriptor name="Models"
        <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="download_id"/>

<class-descriptor class="pal_model_download"
  <field-descriptor name="model_id" ... />
  <field-descriptor name="download_id" ... />
  <reference-descriptor name="download"
        <foreignkey field-ref="download_id"/>
  <reference-descriptor name="model"
        <foreignkey field-ref="model_id"/>

This will make the object model a bit harder, since
model.collectionOfSupportItemIs will return ModelContent objects, not
actual Downloads/Documents (i.e decomposed M:N) but you can keep the
existing table stuff.

Others may have better ideas :)

Good Luck,

Rob :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Scheuerer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, 2 January 2004 2:56 p.m.
To: OJB Users List
Subject: Mapping Question


Please see the attached image of my data model for reference (I'm sorry
for the 
attachment but it's kind of complicated to describe the scenario
otherwise. A 
picture says more than a thousand words :-) ).

How do I map the relationship between pal_model - download and pal_model
- document? The corresponding value objects (DownloadVO and DocumentVO)
both implement the 
Interface SupportItemI.
My PalModelVO has a collection which holds all the SupportItemIs for a

How can I map a collection that gets it's data from two m-n
relationships? Can I 
specify two indirection tables? Do i have to change my data model?

Any comments and suggestions are welcome.

I wish everybody a peaceful, prosperous and happy new year! Patrick

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