Well, I'm posting bellow the code I've used to create the virtual
collection, and after a piece of code to query it (the use is obvious: I'll
never read data/update data/delete data throught this collection. I just
wanna this to be able to use it in Criteria when querying my database) :

  PersistenceBroker b = null;

  try {
   b = getBroker();
   ClassDescriptor cd = b.getClassDescriptor(MyMainClass.class); // That is
the class where I want to query using the new collection.
                                                         // It already
exists on the repository.XML, but has no collection-descriptors
   CollectionDescriptor c = new CollectionDescriptor(cd);

   c.addAttribute("name", "myVirtualFieldName"); // This field doesn't
exists in the bean. I'll just use it for queries.
   c.addAttribute("proxy", "true");
   c.addAttribute("virtual", "true");

ist.class); // I don't wanna nothing being deleted...
   c.setItemClass(TheCollectionClass.class); // that is a class that is
already described in repository.XML, or it will never work
   c.setPersistentField(MyMainClass.class, "myVirtualFieldName");
   c.addForeignKeyField("pkOnCollection"); // name of the field that is PK
on the element collection

after all, when I want to search for MyMainClass using an attribute of
TheCollectionClass I just issue

Criteria c = new Criteria();
c.addEqualTo("myVirtualFieldName", "02");
QueryByCriteria(MyMainClass.class, c, true);

And OJB does the rest... The main problem I see is that when the virtual
collection exists, OJB tries to set the primary key of the elements in the
collection when storing (either update or insert) even when
setCascade...(false), but the virtual field doesn't exists. So, to avoid
this problem, and to not change behaviour of existing applications, I
created the new attribute (virtual), so it will never be touch (when Insert
or Update), when storing objects.

If exists a better solution, or the behavior for storing objects will be
fixed (it's not really broken, I just want to mean fixed in the way I work),
we can work without the "virtual" solution ;)


Edson Richter

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Armin Waibel
To: OJB Users List
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 6:49 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Using a non-existent collection inside a query

Hi Edson,

do you have a test case to show the problem? This would be helpful to
test your "new feature" or to find another solution.


Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
> (sorry, was a "momentary lapse of reason" when I clicked the send button).
> Hi!
> I'm facing a problem: I've a nice piece of sofware that load modules at
> runtime.
> Mostly, each module has their own .xml file with necessary configuration.
> So, there are no problem here.
> But imagine that I've a customer_repository.xml, that references a quite
> large table (let's say 100.000, to take easy to imagine). If each customer
> has 1:n fone numbers, 1:n address, 1:documents, 1:n anything else, and so
> on, I need to make use of the Proxies, or I'll crash server (or
> memory (even with 512Mb). Ok, that's fine. But when I open my Swing UI,
> every JTable, JList, JCombo and so on insists in materialize every 1:N
> mapping in .XML file. So, I have a very large time when materializing
> objects (to materialize one single person I take near 2 seconds... A user
> "clicking away" in the machine think that this is a "long time" to wait
> a "simple navigation" in records!
> So I started to think in a solution where the collection is used when
> mounting the WHERE clauses, but not when loading/writing objects to
> database. And I started with API to create on-the-fly collections.
> All worked well, as I imagined (I can add the collection and play with
> fine), but the first time I've attempted to write one customer object I
> that some method X was not found in object Y... And if I put the method X,
> get "column Z not in table" from my database. So, the OJB is trying to
> persist the collection (even if I set the auto retrieve, auto update and
> auto delete as false). Since I thinked in terms of virtual collection
> can exists or not), and the queries and materialization are working fine,
> started to imagine the I need to make a patch to guarantee that the
> collection will never be stored. Then, I've added a attribute "virtual"
> that, when receives true, is ignored by "storeCollections" loop.
> My question is: can this be added to core OJB distribution, or I'll always
> need to patch my own versions of OJB?
> The method was modified on PersistenceBrokerImpl is (just the
> if(!"true".equals(cds.getAttribute("virtual"))) was added, and the
> respective block start and end), and doesn't affect nobody else than who
> wanna use these "virtual collection" way of work (I can send the code
> where I'm using this, if you want):
> private void storeCollections(Object obj, Vector vecCds) throws
> PersistenceBrokerException
> {
> // get all members of obj that are collections and store all their
> Iterator i = vecCds.iterator();
> while (i.hasNext())
> {
> CollectionDescriptor cds = (CollectionDescriptor) i.next();
> if(!"true".equals(cds.getAttribute("virtual"))) {
> Object col = cds.getPersistentField().get(obj);
> Collection currentMtoNKeys = null;
> if (col == null)
> {
> if (cds.isMtoNRelation())
> {
> deleteMtoNImplementor(cds, obj);
> }
> }
> else
> {
> // if the collection is a collectionproxy and it's not already loaded
> // no need to store it.
> if (col instanceof CollectionProxy && !((CollectionProxy) col).isLoaded())
> {
> continue;
> }
> if (cds.isMtoNRelation())
> {
> currentMtoNKeys = getMtoNImplementor(cds, obj);
> // delete unused m:n implementors
> deleteMtoNImplementor(cds, obj, (Collection)col, currentMtoNKeys);
> }
> Iterator colIterator;
> if (col instanceof ManageableCollection)
> {
> colIterator = ((ManageableCollection) col).ojbIterator();
> }
> else if (col instanceof Collection)
> {
> colIterator = ((Collection) col).iterator();
> }
> else if (col.getClass().isArray())
> {
> colIterator = new ArrayIterator(col);
> }
> else
> {
> throw new OJBRuntimeException(
> col.getClass()
> + " can not be managed by OJB, use Array, Collection or
> instead !");
> }
> while (colIterator.hasNext())
> {
> Object otherObj = colIterator.next();
> // for m:n mapped collections store association implementing entries
> if (cds.isMtoNRelation())
> {
> // 1. Store depended upon object first to avoid FK violation
> storeCollectionObject(cds, otherObj);
> // 2. Store indirection record
> // BRJ: this could cause integrity problems because
> // obj may not be stored depending on auto-update
> storeMtoNImplementor(cds, obj, otherObj, currentMtoNKeys);
> }
> // for 1:n mapped collection assert proper fk assignment
> else
> {
> if (cds.getCascadeStore())
> {
> // BRJ: do not assign fk if not required
> // to avoid materialization of proxy
> assertFkAssignment(otherObj, obj, cds);
> }
> storeCollectionObject(cds, otherObj);
> }
> }
> // invoke callback on collection
> if (col instanceof ManageableCollection)
> {
> ((ManageableCollection) col).afterStore(this);
> }
> }
> }
> }
> }
> ---
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