hi edson,

hi edson,

frankly, i'm still confused...

Sorry... I think I don't have sufficient english skills to make more clear...

i understand that collection-proxies do not seem to help because of the
way you built your gui :(

Thanks, I think you had some "experiences" (some good, some bad) with swing too... But
that's not our point, right ;-)

when you say the relationship does not exist, does this mean that it's
not defined in the repository ?

Yes, I mean that this is not defined in repository. Neither the collection-descriptor,
neither the field used when querying.

i saw the sample code you posted some days ago. now it's clear how you do it.

what do you mean by mounting the query ?

Imagine the object:

public class Customer {
  public Integer id;
  public String name;

Now I load some class that will notify (internally, in my app) that a new table is 
in database (the documents table), and I can make queries by the document number. But I
don't have a "document" neither "documentNumber" in Customer class.

To query I must do

Criteria c = new Criteria();
c.addEqualTo("document.documentNumber", "12345");

But OJB will throw exception: where is no document field in Customer. So I add 
dinamically a
document field as an collection descriptor. Uau, OJB now queries the database! Fine 
all I want.

But, when I tried to store any Customer object, OJB throw an exception saying that 
there is
no document field. Even if I use proxies=true (or not), lazy=true (or not),
auto-update=false (or not) and so on. Nothing works. Always exception.

ojb needs this field (better: the collection referenced by this field) to handle the m:n-implementors in case of an m:n-relationship.

I've detected that the problem is because OJB is trying to set key fields in referenced objects (including my document collection - that doesn't exists at all, is just an artifact to make queries) - before storing...

afaik this should only be done if getCascadeStore() is true. imo the method storeCollections() needs some refactoring to separate handling of m:n-implementors, but that's another issue.

what other parts of ojb did you need to modify to achieve this behaviour ?

None. Just that if does the job. I had think a lot about this, and I get the 
conclusion that
OJB should not set keys in referenced object when auto-update=false, right? Or not?

As long as I don't want do change any default behavior of OJB, I've created the virtual
attribute, and used it...


Thanks again,

Edson Richter

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