
> No Success! :(  I've mounted a directory c:\work\test and 
> OJB.properties is in it. What should I type after nz/.... ?

Ah. By nz/... I meant your path to the OJB properties file relative to
the mount point
It needs to be in a subfolder under the mountpoint otherwise NB won't
resolve it.

C:\bob is mounted in the filesystem
System.setProperty("OJB.properties", "jim/ojb/OJB.properties");

> What about repository.dtd ? How should I reference it from 
> repository.xml ? using file:///c://... ?

Change it to "repository.dtd" and put it in the same folder as the

> Should I also put jdbc driver jar in nb-home/lib/ext ?
> Sould I also put my own application classes ?

Depends on the options I described previously, but yes, your JDBC driver
jar should be included somewhere.

Good Luck,

Rob :)

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