Thomas Dudziak <tomdz <at>> writes:

> There seems to be some trouble with parsing the class descriptor (and
> probably other parts of the configuration) which is likely to be some
> problem with the combo resin + ojb. Are there other messages from ojb like
> '... not found, using default values' or somesuch ?
> If you can, then you should try this with a local installation of resin
> 3.0.6 (should be no problem as you're allowed to use resin free of charge
> for development) or if you do not use specific features of resin, another
> servlet container like jetty or tomcat might do. This will enable you to
> debug this issue, and you can see where the problem is located (path
> issues, xml parsing problems etc.).
> Tom

at least, the same config is working great with tomcat, but this don't help to 
debug the issue :(

i'll try to install resin 3.0.6 on my computer but i'm afraid i will encounter 
the same debugging problem : i can't even locate the error in the logs !

here is the only suspect message from the stdout.log

(metadata.RepositoryPersistor        ?   ) OJB Descriptor Repository: file:/home
(metadata.RepositoryXmlHandler       ?   ) Found attribute (name=autoNaming, val
ue=true) but I can not assign them to a descriptor

there is nothing suspect in the stderr.log

do you know what theses attributes stands for ?

thanks in advance,


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