
Robert S. Sfeir wrote:

I am doing a select on Category. a Category bean contains a get and set for a ProjectBean. a Category only relates to one Project. If I do the autoretrieve false then the projectBean object in the Category bean is null. If I set it to true, then it correctly contains a ProjectBean which the category relates to.

Now sometimes I just want to get a list of categories, and I could care less that I get the ProjectBean with it, that's too heavy if I want to just display the category id and category name. Other times I need to do the whole thing, like for a category detail view. In that case I want to get all the ProjectBeans along with the category.

Does this makes sense?

yes of course!

So if I understood retrieveAllReferences, it will return all references of the object (ProjectBean) which relate to the category based on the fact that the Query object is querying Category.class.

seems my previous mail is lost in space ;-)
Think you do the wrong order of commands. First retrieve the Category objects with a query. Then for all Category objects you want to assign references, call PB.retrieveAllReferences/retrieveReference.
Or do I misunderstand your post (sorry my bad english)?



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