> Are you saying that as I do my for loop to build my view objects, I
> should grab each CategoryBean, and then get the references to it then?

yes, that's how it is work currently.

Maybe we should allow to override the auto-XXX settings on the fly by add setAutoXXX methods to query object or something similar in 1.1.
Would be a nice feature and would allow what you expected.


Robert S. Sfeir wrote:

Armin Waibel wrote:

That's the first thing I tried, but it returns null for my objects, I must not be using the code Right!

Project p = new ProjectBean(); //TODO: Replace with Factory call.
broker.retrieveAllReferences( p );
final List results = ( List ) broker.getCollectionByQuery( query );

I don't know your ProjectBean class, but when you create a new object you can't find any reference object - or I'm wrong?

ah, I think you do the "wrong turn" and I misunderstood your example.

Do after retrieve of the Category objects a

final List results = ( List ) broker.getCollectionByQuery( query );
aCategoryObject = ...get from list
broker.retrieveAllReferences( aCategoryObject );

call to get all reference objects for all Category instances you want to assign with the appropriate references.

I think I know what you mean, but I'm confused about:

aCategoryObject = ...get from list

aCategoryObject do you mean my CategoryBean?

what do you mean ...get from list?

Are you saying that as I do my for loop to build my view objects, I should grab each CategoryBean, and then get the references to it then?


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