Hi Blake,

Mills, Blake S CTR 805 CSPTS/SCE wrote:
I am trying to use a ReportQuery because I only need a limited amount of
the data from a certain table.  Everything works great except the
Object[] size returned by the ReportQueryRsIterator changes depending on
if there are any null values.

I test this with latest from SVN (OJB_1_0_RELEASE branch) and can't reproduce your problem.

Test result for QueryTest#testReportQueryNullFields

Result_1: {<null>,testReportQueryNullFields_1159443495281,2}
Result_2: {Robert,testReportQueryNullFields_1159443495281,1}
Result_2: {<null>,testReportQueryNullFields_1159443495281,2}

As you can see null-fields are included in the result.


For example if want two column values from your ReportQuery and one of
them is null, then the returned Object[] size will only one, NOT two.
How do you know which of the two columns is represented in the Object[]?
I would expect an Object[] with size two with null in the place of the
column that had no value.  Am I missing something?   Below is how I
setup the ReportQuery.
            Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
            criteria.addEqualTo("personAccountId", new
ReportQueryByCriteria reportQuery =
QueryFactory.newReportQuery(TaskView.class, criteria);
String[] columns = new String[] {"warningThreshold",
"notApplicable", "dueDate", "doneDate"};
Iterator iterator =
Thanks for the help, Blake

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