Ok, i understand.
But is it possible, that madragora works together with ojb in the same project ?
My app is very big and i dont want to change everything now.
The idea was, that new code can use mandragora and the old code will be changed step by step later.

however, the code ist now:
       try {
BD bd = ServiceLocator.getInstance().getManagerBD("BDFactoryDefaultClass","StandardBDDefaultClass");
           //this class is persistant in db with data
       } catch (ApplicationException e) {

i get now this error (all libs are included, prop file are in the same dir as repository.xml, the other files in class dir from blank i have already:

[INFO] SimpleThreadPool - Job execution threads will use class loader of thread: main
[INFO] RAMJobStore - RAMJobStore initialized.
[INFO] StdSchedulerFactory - Quartz scheduler 'DefaultQuartzScheduler' initialized from default resource file in Quartz package: 'quartz.pro
[INFO] StdSchedulerFactory - Quartz scheduler version: 1.4.5
[BOOT] INFO: -- boot log messages -->
[BOOT] INFO: Loading OJB's properties: jar:file:/home/hnovak/eclipse-workspace/osfaktura/lib/nadragora-lib/mandragora-0.1-20070912.204127-17
[BOOT] INFO: Loading OJB's properties: jar:file:/home/hnovak/eclipse-workspace/osfaktura/lib/nadragora-lib/mandragora-0.1-20070912.204127-17
[BOOT] INFO: Found logging properties file: OJB-logging.properties
[BOOT] INFO: Logging: Found logger class 'org.apache.ojb.broker.util.logging.PoorMansLoggerImpl

org.apache.ojb.broker.PBFactoryException: There was no 'default-connection' attribute enabled in the jdbc connection descriptor at org.apache.ojb.broker.core.PersistenceBrokerFactoryBaseImpl.defaultPersistenceBroker(Unknown Source) at org.apache.ojb.broker.PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker(Unknown Source) at it.aco.mandragora.common.ServiceLocator.findBroker(ServiceLocator.java:451) at it.aco.mandragora.dao.ojb.pb.OjbPbDAO.findByPrimaryKey(OjbPbDAO.java:453) at it.aco.mandragora.bd.standard.StandardManagerBD.findByPrimaryKey(StandardManagerBD.java:442)
   at de.repcom.osfaktura.aStartups.Test.machWas(Test.java:28)
   at de.repcom.osfaktura.aStartups.Test.<init>(Test.java:19)
   at de.repcom.osfaktura.aStartups.Test.main(Test.java:16)
0 ERROR [main] pb.OjbPbDAO - ServiceLocatorException thrown in OjbPbDAO.findByPrimaryKey(Class realClass, java.lang.Object pkValue): it .aco.mandragora.exception.ServiceLocatorException: PBFactoryException error occurred while parsing the repository.xml file in ServiceLocator


Alessandro Colantoni schrieb:
Hi Hans.

Yes you have to add lots of jar.
You can see the dependencies here


Then you have to add the Mandragora.properties file to your classpath.

Anyway you find all jar you need int the mandragora-blank.zip.

1 open mandrgora-blank.zip;
2 in Web-Inf/lib you have all the jar you need.
3 in Web-inf/classes you find the Mandragora.properties. Put it in your
classpath, (in the same directory of your repository.xml). You can see other
properies files, add the log4.properties if you have not already yours (but
I think you have). The other file I think you already have in your
classpath, if so don't add.


there is a quick start, but I wrote it thinking at web-app. I will change

I always work with web-app. So I will appreciate if , when you make it work
, write a small quickstart for Swing.

I keep here to help.


On 9/13/07, Hans Novak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Alessandro Colantoni schrieb:
HI, I upload a new release and improved a bit documentation.
I solved (I think) the problem noticed by Hans, so it is not need put
quartz servlet in the web.xml, and it should work in no web application.
hope this helps you Hans.

Hi Alessandro,

i have try the new Version, but the same Problem.
The Code was only:
       try {
           BD bd =
       } catch (ApplicationException e) {
           //manage the exception

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
   at de.repcom.osfaktura.aStartups.Test.machWas(Test.java:22)
   at de.repcom.osfaktura.aStartups.Test.<init>(Test.java:15)
   at de.repcom.osfaktura.aStartups.Test.main(Test.java:12)

When i start my standard App with the Mandragora jar addedd, then i get
this error:

osf] INFO : AppStart
[BOOT] INFO: -- boot log messages -->
[BOOT] INFO: Loading OJB's properties:
[BOOT] INFO: Found logging properties file: OJB-logging.properties
[BOOT] INFO: Logging: Found logger class

Exception in thread "main" org.apache.ojb.broker.PBFactoryException:
There was no 'default-connection' attribute enabled in the jdbc connect
ion descriptor

   at de.repcom.osfaktura.gui.partner.PartnerFrm.<init>(PartnerFrm.java
   at de.repcom.osfaktura.aStartups.PartnerCore.<init>(PartnerCore.java
   at de.repcom.osfaktura.aStartups.PartnerCore.main(PartnerCore.java:29)

Do i need any jar of yor "blank" project into my ojb_blank projekt (more
then the mandragora jar) ?
Your Project looks good to me, have intresting features, what can help
me to minimize complexity of code.
Hope you can help :-)


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