Hi JohnE,

johne wrote:
In response to below, it worked in 1.0.3 and then 1.0.4.  When I
tried 1.0.5 it failed.  I backed off to 1.0.4 again and it works.  In
all cases I use the same latest MySql database driver.  No other
changes other then the change in OJB version.

It's weird! I try to reproduce your issue without success. The query include a class 'Person' and looks like this:

Criteria crit = new Criteria().addLike("firstname", "%o%")
        .addAndCriteria(new Criteria().addLike("lastname", name));
ReportQueryByCriteria q = QueryFactory.newReportQuery(Person.class, crit);
q.setAttributes(new String[]{"id", "firstname", "count(id)"});
q.addGroupBy(new String[]{"id", "firstname"});

The field 'id' is mapped as Integer in the Person class-descriptor.

In the result set array the 'count(id)' column is returned as Integer and NOT as String (using hsql and mysql). Could you give me a hint how to reproduce your issue?



Armin Waibel wrote:
johne wrote:
In first testing the 1.0.5 RC, I get the error below.  This
worked as is in 1.0.4.  Something different with the count use in
the RC?

Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot
be cast to java.lang.Long which comes from this line as shown in
more detail below: count = new

This came out of getting a count out of a ReportByCriteria result

Where the columns look like: private static final String[]
crColumns = new String[]{"countryId", "regionId",
"count(countryId)","count(regionId)"}; ReportQueryByCriteria
query = new ReportQueryByCriteria(specificActiveServiceLocationQueryVO, crColumns, crit, true); ..... ..... obj = (Object[])
resultsIt.next(); count = new Integer(((Long)obj[2]).intValue());

This could be jdbc-driver issue. If OJB doesn't know the field
(detect a not mapped field), in your case the count(...) field, the
jdbc-type is resolved by using the ResultSet metadata
(rsMetaData.getColumnType(...)) of the jdbc-driver.

You can try to use the query.setJdbcTypes method to specify the sql-types, then OJB resolves the proper java-jdbc-types http://db.apache.org/ojb/docu/guides/jdbc-types.html

int types[] = new int[]{Types.DECIMAL, Types.VARCHAR,
Types.BIGINT}; ReportQueryByCriteria q =
QueryFactory.newReportQuery(Person.class, crit); q.setAttributes(new String[]{"id", "firstname", "count(*)"}); q.setJdbcTypes(types);

This should work for all none mapped query fields. If the field is
 mapped the type setting will be ignored - this is a bug and will
be fixed in 1.0.5rc2.

regards, Armin

----- JohnE

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----- JohnE

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