By all means, lets buy up the mid-east oil while keeping 
ours in reserve.  But we do need to develop enough oil 
sources, to keep the price reasonable.  If gas could be 
delivered to the pump for $1.50, there is no reason to 
fill the pockets of those people at $3 with no extra value 

More energy efficient machines of all kinds are good, my 
latest fridge uses only half the energy.  But we have taken 
this idea to the detriment of other factors in entirely too many 
cases.  Designs I have seen for washing machine motors 
are SOOO complex, that the machines will be expensive to 
buy, short lived, and practically impossible to repair (does 
this sound like  modern car?).  As long as the population 
grows, we will need more energy; conservation alone 
won't solve the problem.  

Some people say there is oil out there, but the price to 
get it will be very high.  Nuke might work, but I'm not 
convinced that safety and waste problems are permanently 
solved.  There have been incidents.  I wish they would 
build a bunch of new ones, and shut this one off.  IL is 
mostly Nuke.  

Bruce (5 miles from Byron Nuke) Roe

1 Nov 2006  "Infinite Space Systems, Inc." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Personally I would rather drive something with better mileage than 
> less, 
> > if nothing more than to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Same 
> reason 
> > I drive ONLY American cars to begin with I guess.
> Actually, it all depends on how jaded one's world view is. The 
> amount of 
> both greed and stupidity we allow is pathetic.
> I can introduce you to a man who has been in the oil business for 47 
> years. 
> He will tell you and can prove to anyone who wishes to listen that 
> the 
> ***known*** U.S. oil reserves off both the U.S. eastern and western 
> coasts 
> and off the U.S. gulf coast is about 5 times larger than all of the 
> mid-east 
> oil reserves combined. We can't drill for that oil because every 
> affected 
> state's governor refuses to allow it for fear it would hurt tourism. 
> That 
> state's Congressional delegation generally backs up that state's 
> governor. 
> Stupid and self-serving. The same goes for the known oil reserves in 
> Alaska. 
> What's under the north slope is bigger than you can imagine. But our 
> Liberal 
> Elite wants us dependent on foreign oil for that can be manipulated 
> to 
> increase the power base of the Liberal Elite.
> We have met the enemy, and he is us.
> And then we have very safe nuclear power that the rest of the world 
> uses, 
> but we haven't had a new nuke plant for 30 years. Britain, Japan, 
> and 
> Western Europe have 4th generation nuke plants that are super safe. 
> When's 
> the last time you ever heard the media scream about a nuke accident? 
> Not in 
> the past 30 years in any of those nations, because it doesn't 
> happen. I'd 
> much rather have electricity produced by nukes than burn natural 
> gas, fuel 
> oil, and coal.
> Milton Schick
> 1964 442 Cutlass

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