Hi Everyone,

*PyDebug* is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and learning tool
for writing and debugging Sugar Activities using an offline stand alone XO.
It is Pippy's older sister.

*DOWNLOAD <http://wiki.laptop.org/go/File:PyDebug-7.xo>* XO bundle using
this link.

Quick *OVERVIEW*<http://georgejhunt.com/olpc/pydebug/pydebug/application.html>of
essential features.

It am humbled to realize that it's been over a year since I set out to steal
code from as many sources as I could find, and to try for a minimalist stand
alone debugging Activity that would be useful offline. At this point I'm
fairly pleased with the basic functionality. But even with minimal
objectives, the ccde has grown beyond what I can easily handle (about 8K
lines --more than half of it borrowed)!

I've found it really hard to work by myself.  I took time out this last year
to write *XoPhoto <http://xophoto.wordpress.com/>*, and had some extremely
useful help from Bruce Bell-Meyers in Minnesota.  We talked weekly for a
couple of months, and it really helped to have a fresh perspective looking
at the stuff I was stewing about.

I have been spending the last few weeks writing basic programming howto's --
necessary -- but I'm thinking that my time would better be spent fixing
features and bugs that are getting in the way.

So it's time to put PyDebug out for your testing and feedback.  It's
definitely a work in progress, but it's far enough along to see its shape. I
solicit your responses.

I have set up links to the downloads, documentation, and invite your
comments at http://pydebug.wordpress.com. I will try to incorporate my
responses into a thriving FAQ section on the wordpress site.

Thanks in advance for your help,

OLPC-Philippines mailing list

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