On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 10:50 AM, George Hunt <georgejh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> *PyDebug* is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and learning tool
> for writing and debugging Sugar Activities using an offline stand alone XO.
> It is Pippy's older sister.
> *DOWNLOAD <http://wiki.laptop.org/go/File:PyDebug-7.xo>* XO bundle using
> this link.
> Quick 
> *OVERVIEW*<http://georgejhunt.com/olpc/pydebug/pydebug/application.html>of 
> essential features.
> It am humbled to realize that it's been over a year since I set out to
> steal code from as many sources as I could find, and to try for a minimalist
> stand alone debugging Activity that would be useful offline. At this point
> I'm fairly pleased with the basic functionality. But even with minimal
> objectives, the ccde has grown beyond what I can easily handle (about 8K
> lines --more than half of it borrowed)!
> I've found it really hard to work by myself.  I took time out this last
> year to write *XoPhoto <http://xophoto.wordpress.com/>*, and had some
> extremely useful help from Bruce Bell-Meyers in Minnesota.  We talked weekly
> for a couple of months, and it really helped to have a fresh perspective
> looking at the stuff I was stewing about.
> I have been spending the last few weeks writing basic programming howto's
> -- necessary -- but I'm thinking that my time would better be spent fixing
> features and bugs that are getting in the way.
> So it's time to put PyDebug out for your testing and feedback.  It's
> definitely a work in progress, but it's far enough along to see its shape. I
> solicit your responses.
> I have set up links to the downloads, documentation, and invite your
> comments at http://pydebug.wordpress.com. I will try to incorporate my
> responses into a thriving FAQ section on the wordpress site.

Can you add your blog to the Sugar planet (planet.sugarlabs.org)?


> Thanks in advance for your help,
> George
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