On 07.07.2011 00:41, Simon Phipps wrote:

> On 6 Jul 2011, at 23:19, Rob Weir wrote:
>> I think we're transitioning from a formally coordinated model led
>> by a corporation to a model that will have less formal
>> coordination structures.  This is necessary to grow the project in
>> the absence of corporate control.  But it will take some time to
>> get used to it.
> I've always assumed that the extremely careful approach the
> development team was using was more a function of the size,
> complexity and intra-dependency of the code than of corporate
> control. It is amazing how a small, obvious change in one part of OOo
> can result in a nasty intermittent fault in another part...
Indeed it was not "corporate control", it was carefulness, though often
exaggerated. Call it "overprotection".


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