On 07/11/2011 04:06 AM, Graham Lauder wrote:
On Sat, 2011-07-09 at 11:12 +0100, David McKay wrote:
On 09/07/11 07:58, eric b wrote:

The .org is and was always essential to the community.

Why? Out of the folk on the OOo forum who expressed an opinion to me, no
one liked it. It was a perpetual reminder that the product couldn't be
called what they really wanted it to be called: OpenOffice. I greatly
prefer Apache OpenOffice to Apache OpenOffice.org.


As Peter Junge has stated, this discussion has a repetitive deja vu feel
about it.

There are number of most excellent things about the name openoffice.org,
none of which relate to people who are involved in the community and
this includes the people at OOoForum, they don't need to.  It does
however have beneficial effects for the New User or New Client which of
course the Marketing project thinks of constantly.

It tells this New Client, who may not be at all familiar with, or even
heard the name, a number of things.  It tells them that it is open, and
so it starts to introduce the concept of open source or reinforces the
idea for someone who is looking for Open Source Solutions.  It tells
them that it is an office type application and it tells them that it is
a web based project with the .org on the end and at the same time gives
them the web address.  For the web savvy user, the .org tells them that
there is a noncommercial organisation in place, a community in other

It is a webaddress, which is important in a product whose entire
distribution of product and collateral is webbased.  Not openoffice.com,
not open-office.com, which people would more likely put into an address
bar, but OpenOffice.org, clear, precise, no confusion, put
OpenOffice.org in your address bar or google and the new user will get
to where they need to go.

The name is not about what the community feels comfortable with.  It is
however about branding
Branding needs continuity
Branding is client focussed.

YES! The name "Open Office" or "OpenOffice" is not, in fact, "branded" in the same way that OpenOffice.org is. I really feel is it critical at this time to let the brand/product stand a OpenOffice.org so as to maintain our current history and recognition worldwide.

Graham, you area absolutely dead on!

The brand is 14 characters strung together in a very recognisable
format, Upper case Os in OpenOffice with dot and lower case o on org.
OpenOffice.org.  In text on a page of typeface it is recognisable
without bugs like the "gulls". The diminutive in the format OOo is as
recognisable.  Google it sometime.

The OOo community has always been well known for the strength of it's
marketing.  Diluting the brand by dropping the .org or tacking Apache
(which has even lower brand recognition in our target market) on the end
is, from a marketing POV, close to suicidal.  Where marketing requires
brand development with zero budget, it makes the marketers job very
difficult because changing the name throws away 10 years of marketing

It needs to be left as is.  If the Apache rules say that "Apache" has to
be appended, then the rule needs changing.  I'd be happy to dump the
gulls and add the feather as a bug.  I'd be happy to add "by apache" as
a tagline.  But OpenOffice.org is the name of the software, the website
and the community, it should remain unsullied and unaltered.

Unless of course someone can come up with several hundred thousand for a
marketing budget to launch a new global brand.



"An old horse for a long hard road, a young pony for a quick ride".
                                  -- Unknown

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