On 13 Jul 2011, at 14:29, Sam Ruby wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 8:56 AM, Simon Phipps <si...@webmink.com> wrote:
>> On 13 Jul 2011, at 12:55, Sam Ruby wrote:
>>> If a project decides to create a canonical place to find things like
>>> extensions and templates then we will expect the (P)PMC to demonstrate
>>> active oversight of that repository.
>> To clarify this, Sam:  Do you mean that any external repository would need 
>> to be under the sole oversight of the (P)PMC, or are you simply indicating 
>> that involvement in an external shared repository would need to be with the 
>> consent of the (P)PMC?
> You might have snipped a wee bit too much there.  But the short answer
> is: got a concrete proposal?

Yes, I proposed that the project redirect to the LibreOffice repository for as 
long as necessary to bridge the construction phase of the Apache project.

> A longer answer: a concrete example that exists today is Apache
> Extras, which has minimal oversight.  The reason that this particular
> question has come up in this context is that the request was coupled
> with a request to make use of *.openoffice.org.  It is that use of the
> brand that will require compliance with the branding policy, and as a
> necessary consequence, considerable oversight.
> If somebody wishes to propose one or more external repositories
> without that additional requirement, there likely is nothing here that
> needs discussion outside of this mailing list.  If somebody wishes to
> propose something concrete with that additional requirement, it is
> incumbent on them to address all of the issues that such a proposal
> creates.
>> S.
> - Sam Ruby

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