On 08/08/2011 09:35 AM, Simon Phipps wrote:
I propose we establish a convention to insert proposed mailing list names
into the subject of any message to this list that relates to a subject that
could potentially require its own list long-term. From scanning the list I
suggest the following initial tags:

[Wiki]  - the migration of the OOo wiki to Apache, including page design
[Repo] - the migration of the OOo source to a suitable combination of VCSs

wonderful idea!

If we find that these tags have sustained use over a reasonable period (say
45 days) that would result in a viable mailing list, I further propose
creation of a new list where they could both be hosted (such as admin@ )


On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 4:58 PM, Marcus (OOo)<marcus.m...@wtnet.de>  wrote:

Am 08/08/2011 05:23 PM, schrieb Simon Phipps:

  My experience of various communities over the last decade suggests Ross is
exactly right here. Don't start new mailing lists until we've used the
proposed list names as subject-line tags and measured the traffic using
them. Once we know there is enough traffic under a specific tag, it's then
good to create a list with that name if everyone agrees.



I'm using subdirs in my mail account to sort my mails. So, no need to keep
every mail in the inbox itself and then loose the overview. ;-)


  On 8 Aug 2011, at 13:27, Ross Gardler wrote:

  On 8 August 2011 12:45, Rob Weir<apa...@robweir.com>   wrote:

On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 7:00 AM, Wolf Halton<wolf.hal...@gmail.com>

I would like to propose breaking out a couple more mailing lists

Be careful about splitting lists too early. I realise that traffic is
very high right now but it will die down. Splitting lists splits the
community, at this stage we are trying to build community.

There are better techniques than splitting the community up. For
example, the list should adopt a practice of tagging subject lines so
that people can filter appropriately. Sorry rather then a "Web
Content" list mails in this topic are should have subjects of the form
"[web] foo".

  I certainly see the need here.  But I wonder if we can make it a
general "sysops" or "operations" list and have it be the place for
admins/moderators of the wiki, the phpBB forums, Bugzilla, etc., to
coordinate. I think we want to encourage these groups to stay in close
contact with each other.

Generally the pull requirements for forums are less effective for
community building than the push of mailing lists, at least where we
are talking about technical users. EMail clients are very powerful,
forums are not. Email works offline, forums do not. etc.

  Why?  Because we can easily see the
advantages of linking these systems together in advanced ways.  For

1) Easy way to promote a support forum question into a bugzilla issue

No advantage over mail lists.

  2) Easy way to initiate a search of the documentation before entering
a support forum post

Can be useful for user focussed resources but the initial proposal is
for "administering the
wiki daily operations would go, and documentation of versions of OOo".
Are you really going to force admins to do this, or are you going to
trust them?

  3) Content analytics performed on support forum to identify new
candidates for FAQ items

No advantage over mail lists.



"Those who love deeply never grow old;
 they may die of old age, but they die young."
                        -- Sir Arthur Pinero

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