On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 7:31 PM, Mathias Bauer <mathias_ba...@gmx.net> wrote:

> On 08.08.2011 16:43, Donald Whytock wrote:
> > On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 7:45 AM, Rob Weir <apa...@robweir.com> wrote:
> >> What are examples of some threads that would belong in "web develop"?
> >> Have we had any threads like this?
> >
> > One example would be the recent Managing Downloads thread, which
> > evolved into a discussion about handling which mirrors would be used
> > and whether and how they would be made available for selection.  This
> > is more the mechanics of the site rather than the content of the site,
> > and not at all the functionality of OOo.
> >
> > It's probably just as well that that thread started in ooo-dev -- as
> > Ross says, the idea is to build community -- but it might be good to
> > have a place for it to move into.
> Really, most of the time requests for more mailing lists are caused by
> either usage of insufficient mail clients or wrong usage of otherwise
> perfectly capable clients. Example: if a thread doesn't interest you,
> mark it as "read" and don't read it. Or even better, have a client that
> allows you to automate that. But even without such measures the pain of
> some postings too much is much smaller than the pain caused by too many
> lists.
> From past experience the huge number of mailings lists in the "old" OOo
> project was a PITA. It didn't happen often, but too often that people
> asked a question and were told that "this is not the right place, ask on
> the list x instead". This sucks, especially for if this was your first
> post to a list.
> IMHO new mailing lists shouldn't be created before the traffic in the
> existing MLs is clearly unbearable. On this list we are not even close
> to this. This will (hopefully! ;-)) change once we will have a release
> or maybe even short before this - but until then we should avoid
> everything that could bear a risk to fragment our still small commmunity.
> Besides that, using [tags] in subjects is a good idea. But to be useful
> they should be commonly accepted. No, I don't want to vote about them
> ;-), but we should give used tags a feedback loop.

i would also prefer to move forward with one list for now. The idea with
appropriate tags is very simple to apply and probably very effective. And as
Mathias already have pointed out, if somebody is not interested in a
specific topic it is quite easy to ignore this thread.

Often used and established tags should we document in the wiki as best
practices for mailing list communication.

I am sure that we will create some more lists over time and when they are
really needed. But for now i think it works well with this list.



PS: yes OpenOffice.org is a huge project but not everything was perfect. And
by the way from my point of view we had far to many official projects with
there own mailing lists.

> Regards,
> Mathias

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