Good.  That's reassuring.  Thanks.

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Gavin McDonald [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 17:08
Subject: RE: Bugzilla vs JIRA (was: <id>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dennis E. Hamilton []
> Sent: Wednesday, 24 August 2011 5:50 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Bugzilla vs JIRA (was: <id>
> I personally prefer JIRA, but it was the first one where I saw issue tracking
> work well in a group setting.
> I don't like bugzilla that much.
> I think bugzilla is the answer here because the e-mail addresses of the
> existing reports have hard-coded e-mail address in them.
> There are some other issues though.  What Apache has is a single big JIRA
> and, AFAIK, a single big bugzilla, just like it has a single big SVN.  How we
> migrate into either one of those is a puzzle.

no puzzle, we are going to migrate the Bugzilla as it is, into a separate 
Once migrated and working, then , over time, we look at what is best, be it make
it more standard and merge it in, or we move to Jira, whatever, priority is to 
it as it is, that is the plan and is being worked on.


>  - Dennis
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eike Rathke []
> Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 07:23
> To:
> Subject: Bugzilla vs JIRA (was: <id>
> Hi Rob,
> On Monday, 2011-08-22 19:07:07 -0400, Rob Weir wrote:
> > Dumb question, but does anyone really like Bugzilla?
> It's alright, it does the job, it could be better.
> > Do users think
> > it is easy to use?  Or are they always complaining about it?
> If they are complaining we don't know if they would be complaining less
> about a different bug tracker.
> > This might be a good opportunity to move to JIRA, a solution which
> > I've heard others recommend as more appropriate for larger project.
> While JIRA has some nifty features for developers and people working with
> bugs, such as creation of sub-tasks and integrated statistics and integration
> with SCMs, I doubt it is more end user friendly than Bugzilla. To me when
> entering an issue it's just filling a form so the actual user experience 
> depends
> on how self-explaining that form is.
> Bugzilla is more familiar to most end users who are involved with one or the
> other project, ask some user if s/he ever submitted a bug in JIRA.
> So, as a developer I might prefer JIRA, but it is yet to be seen if it would 
> be
> accepted more than Bugzilla by end users.
> > There is also a supported conversion utility, and it does preserve the
> > Bugzilla issue ID's:
> >
> >
> >
> > JIRA might also be a faster way to get this set up.  Compare that to
> > the work required to get Apache Infrastructure to support the
> > customized version of BZ used by OOo.
> Regarding customizations I have no idea how much work it
> a) was to get them into the OOo Bugzilla
> b) would be to get them into Apache Bugzilla
> c) would be to get them into JIRA
>   Eike
> --
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