On 1 September 2011 17:27, Ian Lynch <ianrly...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My view is how do we make
> FOSS more effective?  Partly as a Committer here within the rules associated
> with that, partly through my business with the rules and constraints that
> has and partly with LibreO, why worry? If you can do what you want within
> the rules just do it. If you can't, do those things somewhere else where its
> ok.


The whole point of the ASF way of doing things is that the foundation
stays very tightly focussed on what it does well. It cultivates
communities of people who congregate around needs that can be
satisfied by software. That means the foundation provides
infrastructure to support the communities that build the software. The
foundation tries to stay out of everything else, others do those
things better. For example, the Conference Committee doesn't organise
conferences, it supports people willing to create the local teams who
put on great conferences. The Community Development PMC doesn't fund
internships, it manages the relationship between providers of
internships and the ASF and so on.

The foundations projects do, however, recognise people who seek to
build bridges. Those people are critical to healthy communities and
should be recognised as such. I can think of a few foundation members
who do not write code, they have become foundation members because
they build bridges.


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