On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 11:56 PM, Peter Junge <peter.ju...@gmx.org> wrote:
> On 03.09.2011 11:00, Rob Weir wrote:
>> I've been going through the archives of the existing
>> us...@openoffice.org and disc...@openoffice.org.  I cannot tell them
>> apart.  They cover the kinds of questions and topics.  Maybe at some
>> point in the past the project had distinct visions for each list.  But
>> this differences are blurred beyond detection now, at least to me.
> Originally discuss@ooo was intended to be the mailing list for the community
> to discuss about the community, hence both focusing on a different topic and
> addressing a different audience. Over the years discuss@ooo indeed became
> something like users2@ooo.

OK.  That is good to know.

>> Since we've recently set up the ooo-users@i.a.o, I think it makes
>> sense to ask users from both users@ooo and discuss@ooo to move to
>> ooo-users.  In doing so we avoid unnecessarily fragmenting community
>> discussions.
> That would make sense, at least for those who are used to discuss support
> topics at discuss@ooo. The few others should be happy with ooo-dev.

So we should probably mention both lists in the notification to discuss@oo.o.

We'll probably be merging other lists in a similar fashion.

users@ooo -> ooo-users
dev@ooo -> ooo-dev
discuss@ooo -> ooo-users

Also, within the projects, the dev-related projects (performance,
security, api, uno, xml, etc.) should go to ooo-dev as well.

> Peter

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