I would like to propose the following change in approach for the migration of 
the openoffice.org website to Apache. We should split the site svn tree into 
two separate trees. This will allow us to quickly address the divergent 
license, copyright, and footer issues with clarity and without working against 
the Apache CMS's framework.

Mixing the openoffice.org migration with the incubator site as subfolders is 
now a plroblem. I realized I was about to bloody my forehead - bash my head 
against a wall.

Here are the details.

(1) Split the current ooo/site/trunk/ and create ooo/ooosite/trunk/. Move all 
of the openoffice.org migrated content to the ooo/ooosite/ site tree. Each site 
will now have its own templates/skeleton.html with correct license headers, 
copyrights, and terms.

(2) Request that infrastructure attach the new ooo/ooosite/ tree to the cms 
buildbot and webgui. If Infrastructure is willing I propose -


If it must start as part of the incubator then


(3) Every AOOo committer will be enabled to use the Apache CMS's webgui to make 
edits in order to align the site's policies to the new project. It has been 
confirmed that it is possible to edit the source html in the WebGUI / 
Bookmarklet. As Dennis has written these should be minimal.

(4) No changeover of the current www.openoffice.org until the project agrees.

I'll start the tree splitting process this Friday in 72 hours allowing plenty 
of time for comments and consensus.


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