
On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 8:41 AM, Marcus (OOo) <marcus.m...@wtnet.de> wrote:

> Am 09/14/2011 05:54 PM, schrieb Kay Schenk:
>> On 09/13/2011 02:52 PM, Dave Fisher wrote:
>>> I would like to propose the following change in approach for the
>>> migration of the openoffice.org website to Apache. We should split
>>> the site svn tree into two separate trees. This will allow us to
>>> quickly address the divergent license, copyright, and footer issues
>>> with clarity and without working against the Apache CMS's framework.
>>> Mixing the openoffice.org migration with the incubator site as
>>> subfolders is now a plroblem. I realized I was about to bloody my
>>> forehead - bash my head against a wall.
>>> Here are the details.
>>> (1) Split the current ooo/site/trunk/ and create ooo/ooosite/trunk/.
>>> Move all of the openoffice.org migrated content to the ooo/ooosite/
>>> site tree. Each site will now have its own templates/skeleton.html
>>> with correct license headers, copyrights, and terms.
>>> (2) Request that infrastructure attach the new ooo/ooosite/ tree to
>>> the cms buildbot and webgui. If Infrastructure is willing I propose
>>> -
>>> http://ooo-site.apache.org/.
>>> If it must start as part of the incubator then
>>> http://incubator.apache.org/ooo/
>>> (3) Every AOOo committer will be enabled to use the Apache CMS's
>>> webgui to make edits in order to align the site's policies to the new
>>> project. It has been confirmed that it is possible to edit the source
>>> html in the WebGUI / Bookmarklet. As Dennis has written these should
>>> be minimal.
>>> (4) No changeover of the current www.openoffice.org until the project
>>> agrees.
>>> I'll start the tree splitting process this Friday in 72 hours
>>> allowing plenty of time for comments and consensus.
>> +1 from me, and thanks...
> Also from me a +1, good idea to split-up the two parts.
> Marcus

*Alexandro Colorado*
*OpenOffice.org* EspaƱol
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