On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 4:54 AM, Ross Gardler
<rgard...@opendirective.com> wrote:
> Sent from my mobile device, please forgive errors and brevity.
> On Sep 28, 2011 3:06 AM, "Rob Weir" <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>> So total silence.  Is that the best we can come up with?
> One problem is that what is being asked for here is a voluntary time
> commitment. Typically volunteers don't want to be tired to a schedule.

An editorial calendar is schedule for publishing the blog posts, not a
schedule for writing them.   An author can write the post anytime up
to 3 days before the publication date (to allow for lazy consensus).
Since we have dates set out up to a year in advance, this gives
volunteers a large range of dates to play with.  But if a volunteer
feels they cannot be "tied to a schedule" that amounts to "any time
you feel like it within the next year", then I'm happy to extend the
calendar to two years ;-)

> I'd suggest that a better approach is to just encourage people to write
> stuff as and when they can. Raise visibility of their contributions here on
> the list. Thank them profusely. currently there is no visibility of what is
> going on on the blog, I suggest cross-posting here.

I think we're saying the same thing.  But I do want to avoid a flood
of posts when I send reminders, followed by a drought when there are
no reminders.  Let's get a pipeline of posts, written by volunteers
"as and when they can" and then turn that irregular stream of
contributions into a steady pulse for publication.

> Providing ideas for content here (as you do below) can help.
> You can drop into email threads occasionally an say "can someone blog that
> please, just post your content here if you don't want to post it straight to
> the blog" (eg the accessibility thread looks like a recent support, lets get
> some clarity in there then move it to the blog as a statement of intent or a
> call for assistance as appropriate.
> Other candidate threads would be the 4.0 discussion (invite people to come
> and have their say), the migration of some incompatible code to
> Apache-extras, the fact that people are building the code from Apache SVN
> and many more.
> Ross
>> Who asked for the project blog in the first place?  It wasn't me.  And
>> it wasn't Dennis.  But so far we're the only ones who have written up
>> posts.
>> Please do take another look at this note and sign up for a post.  It
>> could be informational.  It could be an announcement.  It could be
>> seeking volunteers.  It could be seeking feedback.  Whatever.   Our
>> ooo-dev list averages 56 posts/day. So it should not be hard to find
>> material for a blog post every two weeks.
>> I'll sign up for the next post, planning on one related to the IP
>> review of AOOo, to give the reader some sense of what we're doing and
>> why we can't just immediately release AOOo 3.4.0.
>> Please add your own ideas to the Editoral Calendar and volunteer to
>> write a future post.
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA
>> If we don't start getting some additional volunteers here, I'll
>> propose that we delete the blog altogether.  So far, its existence has
>> received more note in the press for lack of updates than for any
>> content there.  I'd rather have no blog if we can't do better than
>> that.
>> -Rob
>> On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>> > I've added a wiki page to track this.  I'd like to see if can develop
>> > a cadence of a new post every two weeks.  This should not be too hard
>> > if we have a few volunteers to draft the posts.
>> >
>> > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Project+Blog
>> >
>> >
>> > The target audiences are generally external to this project and those
>> > who are subscribed to the ooo-dev list.  So think of the larger Apache
>> > community, OpenOffice users, the larger OOo community, the press, etc.
>> >
>> > Please take a look and sign up for a future post.  Or even just
>> > suggest a future top and maybe someone will volunteer to write it up.
>> >
>> > Some possible future topics could be:
>> >
>> > - relaunch of the support forums
>> >
>> > - how to report a bug
>> >
>> > - high level description of the migration effort
>> >
>> > -  high level description of the IP review process
>> >
>> > - review of the various project-related mailing lists and the
>> > transition to Apache.  Where do users go for what?
>> >
>> > -Rob
>> >

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