On Sep 30, 2011, at 8:48 AM, Ross Gardler wrote:

> Sent from my mobile device, please forgive errors and brevity.
> On Sep 30, 2011 4:35 PM, "Dave Fisher" <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:
> ...
>> I see no reason to stop offering PPMC membership with Committer status. If
> the person chooses not to be on the PPMC that is fine.
>> It is not that I don't think this topic is important, but I think a more
> important discussion is what parts of the project might require direct PPMC
> member involvement as opposed to merely questioning and having appropriate
> transparency into all parts to provide oversight. Do we need a PPMC member
> directly administrating forums and wikis? Do we need the PPMC to provide a
> generally "Lazy Consensus" approval of committers and other contributors
> filling roles within the Forum or Wiki administration? Should the PPMC
> require certain parts of the community to report status periodically?
> From a purely ASF point of view there are very few things that require PMC
> oversight. the following are the only ones that jump to mind:
> - release votes (which equates to IP  due diligence)

Here is my concern with limiting the PPMC too soon. Having been through a 
release vote it is important to know that the (P)PMC members who vote are 
affirming that they have actually performed the appropriate tests - which means 
checking license headers and packaging. Fortunately RAT is available to help, 
but this is a big lift and I expect that for OOo it will take each PPMC voter 
at least a day to do this properly. Even on PPMCs with 7 or 8 active members 
getting the 3 +1s in a week is difficult.

I see no point limiting PPMC membership until we experience a release vote and 
cycle as a podling.

> - new committers/PMC members
> The project may define a few other areas, but that's up to the project.

Important for us all to keep in mind. Thanks!


> Ross

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