On Oct 14, 2011, at 1:18 PM, Simon Phipps wrote:

> On Oct 14, 2011 7:12 PM, "Jim Jagielski" <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:
>> The intent is address anyone and everyone who is creating the FUD.
>> Was the Team OpenOffice PR the straw the broke the camel's back?
>> Pretty much, yeah. Are they the only "guilty" party? Hardly.
>> Are we pointing fingers at who are? Nope, they know who they are
>> themselves without us doing it for them.
> If that is the message you want passed on, so be it.

That's hardly a fair synopsis… it would be like the English
reading the US Declaration of Independence, being confused by
it and someone "clarifying" by saying "King George is a bloody bastard".

I will repeat:
As I said, the PR has 2 functions: To discourage (and clarify) the FUD being 
spread around regarding OpenOffice and to remind all that the OpenOffice 
ecosystem is fine, and will continue to be fine, as long as we all work 
together (and continue to encourage that).

FOSS requires not only collaboration between developers, but also between 

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