On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 05:01:24PM +0200, Herbert Dürr wrote:
> >>>>The gtk/qt issue is rather critcal: I do not think there is
> >>>>previous history among Apache projects depending on them but if we
> >>>>cannot consider those "system provided" libraries it would be
> >>>>a serious setback to an early Apache release.
> >>>
> >>>I would support allowing C/C++ code to link to gtk and/or qt, provided
> >>>we don't distribute gtk or qt themselves.  Both are LGPL.  The LGPL is
> >>>clear for languages like C, C++.
> >>
> >>Clear in what sense?  Dynamic linking and such?
> >
> >Excellent question.  The definition of 'link' is well understood in
> >the context of C/C++.  That's all I meant to say.
> >
> >I'll go further and state that what I said I would support is
> >intentionally limited in scope to only gtk and qt.  Both are commonly
> >distributed with Linux distributions.  Other candidate LGPL licensed
> >dependencies would have to be evaluated separately.
> Who does the evaluation? The PPMC members of the AOOo project?
> The next LGPL library that should be evaluated in that context is
> CUPS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CUPS) which is quite essential
> for printing on many Unix platforms.

I'd add GStreamer http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org
OOo uses GStreamer on Linux to support multimedia content.
GStreamer can be considered nowadays as the default multimedia framework 
in Linux: it's the default framework in the Gnome Desktop; and in KDE,
the Phonon framework uses GStreamer as the default backend.

See this thread for a discussion on AOOo's GStreamer plug-in

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

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