
On 15 November 2011 14:38, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Louis,
> On Nov 15, 2011, at 10:37 AM, Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:
>> Jim,
>> I'd be happy to help draft this and promote it. As you may know, I've
>> been wanting to send such a letter, anyway, and have independently
>> been making efforts to communicate to the ecosystems (note plural).
>> Further, as I was fairly instrumental  in setting many of these up and
>> certainly in promoting them, I hope my effort would be helpful.
> As I explore the N-L portions of the OOo website the diversity of and facets 
> to this global effort is amazing. You have played a huge role.
> I think a summary / taxonomy of the real global ecosystem would be a helpful 
> history to have available to AOOo. Is this something you could start on the 
> Wiki?

Sure; of course, as with any thing like this, my efforts have only
been possible, let alone realized with the collaboration of
others—many others. But I think rather than a history, as such, or
even a chronology, an accounting of what is going on, and evolving,
would be more to the point, with local histories providing the
narrative (e.g., history of OOo in Romania, or efforts to get it going
in Botswana, France, etc.). My interest lies in continuing the
expansion and depth of OOo (now, I'd guess, AOO) development and use.
> The N-L sites are an area where AOOo is on the cusp of deciding which ones to 
> archive until people show up and which ones have volunteers who wish to 
> participate.

That was the idea. But a purposeful failure—as with the build system
that Mathias pointed out as non reproducible except by those of the
Sysyphean persuasion—was established first by Sun and brilliantly so:
the non provision and allocation of resources to education of
developers. It matters little if we have contributors only to find
that we have no easy way to graduate them to developers.
> Regards,
> Dave

>> -louis
>> On 15 November 2011 12:46, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:
>>> I have been mulling this over for a long time...
>>> Up to now, we have been reactionary. We have allowed others to
>>> control and distort the message, paint things as a "us vs. them"
>>> battle (simply to position themselves for personal gain in the
>>> whole debacle), and foster FUD to the clear harm of the ENTIRE
>>> OOo ecosystem.
>>> I think it's time that an Open Letter to the entire Open Office
>>> ecosystem (companies, entities, individuals, etc...) be drafted
>>> that sets the record straight.
>>> And I volunteer to drive this task...
>>> Comments?

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