On 11/16/11 1:15 PM, Donald Harbison wrote:
On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 5:31 AM, Martin Hollmichel<
martin.hollmic...@googlemail.com>  wrote:

On 11/15/11 6:46 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:

I have been mulling this over for a long time...

Up to now, we have been reactionary. We have allowed others to
control and distort the message, paint things as a "us vs. them"
battle (simply to position themselves for personal gain in the
whole debacle), and foster FUD to the clear harm of the ENTIRE
OOo ecosystem.

I think it's time that an Open Letter to the entire Open Office
ecosystem (companies, entities, individuals, etc...) be drafted
that sets the record straight.

And I volunteer to drive this task...

I think this is an excellent idea, this also fit's in plans to do an
interim release OOo 3.3.1 release. We've just done with displaying the OOo
readme file after 3.3.1 installation, this would be in ideal place for
promoting such an Open Letter,

Are you referring to plans from TeamOpenOffice.org e.V.? What is the
current status of these? What is the plan for naming and branding? Perhaps
you can update this community in a separate topic.
removal of the Oracle branding is the easy part. As said before, having a joint messaging with ASF about this release and the future releases is some work to do. Adopting references from old OpenOffice.org instances (forums, mailing lists, issue tracking) to the new ones in the ReadMe File is another issue we are still working on.

The coding work we've done in the 3.3.1 is about some security and bugfixing issues,



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