On 30.11.2011 14:56, O.Felka wrote:
Am 30.11.2011 11:16, schrieb Gianluca Turconi:
This message, as Andre Fischer suggested in the thread "GPL'd
dictionaries", is a separated discussion in order to find a final
consensus about how to provide Linguistic Tools replacements after the
removal of GPL'd modules.

The solutions that were suggested (though without volunteers' manpower
to implement them ;-) are:

a) download the extension (assuming that the right locale can be
detected) automatically from the extension repository during

b) as last step of the installation, pop up a web page that, among
other things, tells the user that there is a dictionary extension that
can be installed and what its license is;

c) let the user know that there is one (or multiple) linguistic tools
pack extension for his/her native language when the main AOO binary is

d) to consider the distribution and inclusion of GPL'd Linguistic Tools
as 'mere aggregation" according to GPL.

Point d) needs legal endorsement from Apache, of course.

IMO, in a transition phase, point c) is the easiest one.

In the long run, point d), if legally doable, is the better one.



 From a user point of view we can't only deliver an Office without
solution d). Coming along with an Office without a "out of the box"
spell checking is unprofessional.

Solution a) is not good because opening an internet connection at
installation time without telling what's going on looks pretty insecure.

That is true, but we do not have to do it silently. We can not do it automatically anyway, because we need the user's consent for the non-Apache license.

With b) I as a user would notice this as "nice to know" as I expect this
to work out of the box and close the nag screen. And as a user I'm not
interested in license stuff.

The same for c): Why should the user care because this should work out
of the box.

Yes, it should work out of the box. But how to do that is the big question. We are trying to come up with an answer that is acceptable for Apache and does not annoy the user too much.



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