On 12/12/2011 05:38, Andre Fischer wrote:
On 12.12.2011 10:49, linyi li wrote:
I can edit the page

I can edit that too. The page that I can not edit is

Please, folks, add a little more detail? When you say you "can not edit" a page, are you getting an error message from the wiki? Or, are you not seeing your changes, after you save your edit?

If your changes are not showing, try a little cgi magic: add ".cgi&purge=1" to the end of the URL in your browser bar, and go there. The problem is with the caching by Apache Traffic Server (ATS), and the purge directive will fix it for the moment. Also, if you just wait a while (how long? I don't know), the cache will update by itself.

This is a bug. We will have to fix it. Sorry for the inconvenience.


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