Hi Oliver,
I tried you configure options, but the entire build can not work well.

My configure options is:

./configure --with-jdk-home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun --with-system-python
--enable-verbose --with-epm-url="

I downloaded cppunit_1.12.1.orig.tar.gz and installed manually. The error
of missing files is gone, but it stoped by the following error:

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ltest

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

dmake: Error code 1, while making './unxlngi6.pro/lib/libsmoketest.so'

Then I tried to build in test module, but it prompted: "cppunit disabled.
Nothing to do".

But if I added "--with-system-cppunit" in the configure, it can not be
built successfully.

Do you have any idea about this?

2012/1/4 Oliver-Rainer Wittmann <orwittm...@googlemail.com>

> Hi,
> On 29.12.2011 09:40, linyi li wrote:
>> After finishing a build I want to do smoketest over Ubuntu. But thers is
>> some problem.
>> My step is:
>> source LinuxX86Env.Set.sh
>> cd smoketestoo_native&&  build
>> But error occured while making smoketest.obj. The reason is that some
>> files
>> do not exist,such as cppunit/TestAssert.h,  cppunit/TestFixture.h, etc.
>> I redid "./configure" with "--with-system-cppunit" and builded again. But
>> the error is still there.
>> I downloaded cppunit-cvs-repo-archive.tar.**bz2 from internet and put the
>> desired files under folder smoketestoo_native, but other errors occured. I
>> think maybe I put it in a wrong directory.
>> Doea anybody know how to fix this problem?
> Hm.. I did not have such a problem.
> I had setup an Ubuntu 11.10, 32bit in a virtual machince using VirtualBox
> under Window 7, 64bit.
> My configure options are:
> --with-dmake-url=http://dmake.**apache-extras.org.codespot.**
> com/files/dmake-4.12.tar.bz2<http://dmake.apache-extras.org.codespot.com/files/dmake-4.12.tar.bz2>\
> --with-epm-url=http://ftp.**easysw.com/pub/epm/3.7/epm-3.**7-source.tar.gz<http://ftp.easysw.com/pub/epm/3.7/epm-3.7-source.tar.gz>\
> --without-junit \
> --with-system-cppunit \
> --disable-binfilter \
> --disable-odk \
> --enable-category-b \
> --disable-build-mozilla \
> --disable-gstreamer \
> --without-stlport
> After a complete build a 'build' in smoketestoo_native works fine - the
> test was successful.
> Do you have some more information about your environment?
> Best regards, Oliver.

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