On 24/02/2012 Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
And I would like to propose the following schedule depending on the
progress we will make next week.
Monday: Feb. 27th new dev snapshots
Monday: March 5th first RC candidate (based on the progress next week)

This is (of course) great and exciting news. I would only recommend to avoid the temptation to be marketing-driven... let RC1 be something that we believe we could actually release. There's nothing bad in using the name "dev" or "beta" for something that is not ready yet. This is how I interpret the "depending on progress" above, and it would be very good and show respect for users.

- translation update, we have made minimal UI changes only and we will
use the 3.4 beta translation that were in place.

Note that https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=118895 is still not solved: it might be that the 3.4 beta translations are not integrated in our current dev builds, or, more likely, that language packs are not being built correctly. I've just set that issue as a release blocker. Using the 3.4-beta translations would be OK, but we need the full set, not what we have now (see issue page).

We will also need to:
- Decide the URLs for all links in the suite (Extensions, Templates, Suite Updates, Extensions Updates...). - Describe the 3.3 -> 3.4 migration path; it would be good to avoid the need to reinstall extensions, but I don't know the current state of the art here.


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