On 2/24/12 12:37 PM, Raphael Bircher wrote:
Am 24.02.12 11:23, schrieb Jürgen Schmidt:

we move closer forward to our first release.

I would like to suggest that we focus on the following areas next
week. And I would like to propose the following schedule depending on
the progress we will make next week.

Monday: Feb. 27th new dev snapshots
Monday: March 5th first RC candidate (based on the progress next week)
- 1000
you have only 1 vote ;-)

Sorry Jürgen, this plan is so far away from reality. We have this Week
last feature integration, and you will do a RC in a bit more then a
Week? Where you plane all the QA work? As QA I can't support a Release
like this. We need one month time between last feature integration and
Release for a minimum. Else you don't have time to perform serios tests.
this conclusion is based on what? Can you explain it please further?

Raphael, you should keep in mind that we had a 3.4 beta already last year. We have removed things or have replaced things. And for both do we have tested it since weeks. If we figure further critical issues than we will fix it and will potentially move the date.

Non critical issues will be moved to later because we have to set priorities. We have always more issues that we can fix.

And I hope that we all agree that we have to provide a release to signal that our project is alive and can deliver.

I would strongly recommend that we plan to release as soon as possible. We might have a missing string or not 100% updated help files. But that is not different to any other release in the past. The most important thing is stability, that we don't crash and things work as expected.

Sorry, that I have not much positiv feedback today. But I'm interested
in a Apache OpenOffice with height quality and so I take my job as QA
it's the same for me and hopefully all of and I don't say that we will release it anyway.

Fine that you will focus on QA now and that you will help us to find critical issues.


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