On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 5:13 AM,  <rjaas...@saunalahti.fi> wrote:
> Hello from Finland!
> I am Risto Jääskeläinen (aka ristoi) and I have translated OpenOfficeorg
> help contents to Finnish up to version 3.3. Now I am keen to start with
> Apache OpenOffice.

Hello Risto, welcome to Apache OpenOffice !

> Current it seems that most of the active Finnish localisation team went to
> LibreOffice.  So there is work to do:
> 1) WWW-page is quite ugly after Apache upgrade (needs a committer?)

You can read more about becoming a committer here:


A contributor becomes a committer after a period of contributions to
the project.  So how do you get started with contributions if you
cannot check in files?  You start by submitting patches.  This allows
other committers to review your changes and then check them in.

For the translated homepage, it would be good to start with the
English-language version and then translate that.  You can get the
English version here:


When you have a translation you want checked in, you could attach your
translation to a Bugzilla issue:


> 2) OpenOffice.org 3.3 translation needs to move to Pootle (I too have all
> .po-files in my hard disk if that matter)
> 3) Translation update to 3.4 level
> 4) Lot of other things

Excellent !

If you can attach your PO files to a Bugzilla issue as well, that will
help us get them loaded into Pootle.  Or send them to be as an email

> I like to start from number 1 but I think I have no committer authority and
> don't know anybody else with language skils. So I think I need this
> privilege.  I have no hurry but I like to know when it is time to start this
> second class localisation.

You are starting in the same condition as many of our most valued
members.  You start as a contributor, and submit patches.  Then, as
other project members see your great work, you are proposed and voted
in as a committer.



> Below is clip from post where is some information.
> Sorry my language. I only translate from English to Finnish not vice versa
> and Firefox of mine is not co-operative (-;
> Regards
> Risto
> ----------------------------
> Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net>
> Vastaanottaja   ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Lähetetty       26.2.2012 18:57:58
> Aihe    Re: Article to be approved for list dev
> Viesti  Hi Louis,
> All committers have write access to all of both www.openoffice.org and the
> podling site. Simply use the Apache CMS with your apache.org credentials.
> You navigate to the page and then invoke the CMS through the bookmarklet.
> See this page for a guide. [1]
> Legacy OOo project archives are available here. [2] Swedish mailing lists
> are here. [3]
> If anyone is interested in maintaining the sv.openoffice.org, even if it is
> simply translations for some pages as redo in English. Please raise your
> hand.
> Regards,
> Dave
> [1] http://incubator.apache.org/openofficeorg/website-local.html
> [2] http://openoffice.org/projects/
> [3] http://openoffice.org/projects/sv/lists
> ----------------------------

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